Topic on Project:Support desk/Flow

Exclude history, Special pages and other pages

6 (talkcontribs)


I'm would like to hide history, disscussion, special page and others to just the admin, which is myself.

How can I hide pages from logged in and non-logged in users?

I'm using this approach but I'm unable to get list all the pages I want to hide.

$wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;

$wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = false;

Then for the logged in users they can edit, delete, read so for them I'm using:

$wgGroupPermissions['user']['edit'] = true;

$wgGroupPermissions['user']['upload'] = true;

$wgGroupPermissions['user']['reupload'] = true;

AhmadF.Cheema (talkcontribs)

The best solution for your needs would be Extension:Lockdown.

Special pages, discussion and history pages can be restricted for other user groups, but "hiding" pages will be more difficult. Making them in-accessible by including them in a new namespace would be the quickest route to go.

However, keep in mind that MediaWiki was not designed to provide per-page access restrictions, so any method used for this has its risks and critical private material should not be protected through such per-page restrictions.

PSIDWiki (talkcontribs)

Ahmad, thank you for your reply.

I should have said restrict the use of the page by non-logged in users. I don't want non-logged in users to be able to view any of that information.

Is there a way to hide the "Special pages" link from showing up? I only want the administrator to see the special pages, history, discussion, etc.. links on the page.

I did test using Lockdown with this code in my LocalSettings.php:

$wgSpecialPageLockdown['Brokenredirects'] = array('user');

I was trying to see if non-logged in users would be restricted, but that doesn't work.

If I was to use a new namespace will it cause the administrator not to see it?

AhmadF.Cheema (talkcontribs) (talkcontribs)

Hi Ahmad,

Yes the one that displayed on the side. When the user clicks it they will have too many options that allows them to see the user list and groups while not being logged in. I want to hide that. I'm trying to create a wiki where specific internal users who log in can edit and create pages, non-logged in users can just read the pages and the 2 admins can see and do everything. I'm still not getting it to work.

AhmadF.Cheema (talkcontribs)

So, have you tried the methods to do so, mentioned in the above PHP links?

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