Topic on Talk:Parsing/Notes/Wikitext 2.0/Typed Templates

Quiddity (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Re: "a mechanism where knowledge domain concepts from the source wiki could be mapped to identical concepts on the target wiki"

I'm not familiar with how Content Translation handles this, but I assumed it was simply via checking Wikidata's interwiki links? I believe that is how the toolforge translate tool works (you specify a source-article, and it finds equivalent in-article links in the target language).

There's also phab:T121470 to consider ("Central Global Repository for Templates, Lua modules, and Gadgets") [that's a more detailed duplicate-task of a much older task].

SSastry (WMF) (talkcontribs)

I haven't looked into how CX handles this right now either. But, that sounds like a reasonable approach to me. Those interwiki links will also eliminate the need for all wikis to provide taxonomy links .. i.e. one wiki can provide a link to a concept and we can leverage interwiki links to infer that concept for all other wikis.

Reply to "Cross-wiki templates"