I put this into the article on zh.wp. And I found that it outputs a incomplete code-block of Language Converter.
like w:zh:新浪微博 , it outputed that 'http://www.weibo.com">http://www.weibo.com;zh-hans:http://www.weibo.com;zh-hant:http://www.weibo.com;zh-cn:http://www.weibo.com;zh-hk:http://www.weibo.com;zh-mo:http://www.weibo.com;zh-sg:http://www.weibo.com;zh-tw:http://www.weibo.com;}-
But I use Special:ExpandTemplates to parse it, it's output is clean, just 'http://www.weibo.com'.
meta:Tech/News/2016/41has a news about 'Language converter syntax will soon no longer work inside external links.' , Is it about this problem? And I can't find the function of {{#property:}} in the source code of Wikibase, so I want to know whether it have a i18n Mediawiki-namespace page to control it ,or a hard code to format the output of URL with Language Converter?