Topic on Project:Support desk

Preferences: Notification

Brimar (talkcontribs)

In my Tab preferences I don't see tab notification.

How I can do to visualize and configure it to receive email notification for evry changes pages upload..


MarkAHershberger (talkcontribs)
Brimar (talkcontribs)

thanks I'll do it

Brimar (talkcontribs)

Sorry Mark I'm tryng to install Extension:Echo, but the file I find in the Extension:Echo to update the database is updateEchoSchemaForSuppression.php and not update.php. Is it the same?

MarkAHershberger (talkcontribs)

The update.php you need is the standard one in your mediawiki/maintenance directory. If you've installed the extension correctly, running "cd wikidir; php maintenance/update.php" will do everything you need.

Brimar (talkcontribs)

in mediawiki/maintenance i find only updateEchoSchemaForSuppression.php.

I don'nt know Why.

MarkAHershberger (talkcontribs)

What files are in the directory above the maintenance directory?

Brimar (talkcontribs)

These are the files I have the maintenance directory (mediawiki release is 1.27)









MarkAHershberger (talkcontribs)

I don't know how that is what is in your maintenance directory unless you are looking at extensions/Echo/maintenance.

If you go two directories up and look in the maintenance directory there, you should see update.php.

Brimar (talkcontribs)
Brimar (talkcontribs)

I find update.php in the directory


Is this one?

I thoght i haad to look in the echo dir



now I have to resolve the problem How to execute

do I need to use putty? I hope it is possibile in my domain

thankyou again

MarkAHershberger (talkcontribs)

That is the right update.php. You would have to use putty. From the other thread you've opened, it looks like you can't?

Brimar (talkcontribs)

I'try with putty

I'm asking to my hosting serve but still they did'nt aswer

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