Topic on Talk:Page Previews/Flow

Hello Hovercards - bye bye 'last edited'

Nick Moyes (talkcontribs)

I see Hovercards has now been rolled out in a new form today.

What a terrible shame to have lost the "Edited x hours/days ago" feature.

Combined with the preview, this piece of quick-see information was so useful. It let me quickly check all the links on one page whilst also gauging how actively edited each destination page was. (A stale page usually merited a visit and could often be quickly enhanced, whereas previously I'd just not be aware of this, and would never have visited the page to check).

I can imagine that non-editors would not find this feature at all useful - but will there be a way to opt back in to this really helpful function of the Hovercard opt-in?

TBMNY (talkcontribs)

This fucking sucks. I really hope it's brought back. It was so useful. It's almost useless for editors now.

Edwardj 123 (talkcontribs)

There's another discussion of this last edited feature in the topic "What metadata should be displayed (article quality, last edited, user views, settings icon etc.)?" at Related discussions are better linked together.

RIT RAJARSHI (talkcontribs)

It would be great to get back "last edited" info. I usually dislike intentional obsoletion.

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