Topic on Template talk:WikimediaDownload/Flow

Template seems to be broken ...

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

... e.g. Extension:DateDiff, Extension:ImportUsers. We already get heaps of questions about broken (download) links now even extensions in the WMF repo add to this. This is annoying, so please deal with this somehow soonish. Thanks.

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

What's broken in the template? I see no apparent problem on the download links, except for diffusion links (repo summary and browse file tree).

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

Sorry for the confusion. That's what I meant. But now I remember that Diffusion is not capable of providing downloads for specific commits. This makes me believe that there is probably no point at all to intensively link to Diffusion which is broken anyway but rather to the GitHub mirror instead.

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)
Kghbln (talkcontribs)

Thanks a bunch. I am getting senior since I now remember task T109716. However this is a disaster. Keeping fingers crossed.

SPage (WMF) (talkcontribs)

So because of phab:tag/gitblit-deprecate and phab:T108864 (Update templates to link to Diffusion, not gitblit) I set about updating this template to link to diffusion. I believe all gerrit repos should be known to Diffusion. But the template also has a Git download link to download a .tar.gz file from, and Diffusion doesn't have this functionality (phab:T111887). Anyway, Krinkle reverted my change as a temporary solution.

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

Yeah, seems to be a pretty tricky one since not all gerrit repos are known to diffusion. Thanks also for adding the task on tarball download for diffusion. I have been told in the past that it is none of diffusions businesses to do so. Thus I now use GitHub though I still think that to have it at diffusion is nice too. Touching wood now. :)

Paladox (talkcontribs)

Hi I have created this template Template:WikimediaDownloadOld which should be used for repos that doint yet correctly redirect in phabricator.

Ive updated the template here to use the gerrit redirect links since the projects are more up to date then manually updating them here on mediawiki.

Paladox (talkcontribs)

Template is going to be deleted now. has been redirected.