Topic on Extension talk:Semantic Extra Special Properties/Flow

Revision ID is different when viewed in page versus Browse Properties

Lsilverman (talkcontribs)

I've been attempting to write an #ask query that excludes the current page from the result set. I found it discussed here:

I enabled the _REVID extra special property, ran the maintenance task SMW_refreshData.php, and waited for it to finish.

My query is very simple, but doesn't exclude the current page:

{{#ask: [[Category:MyCategory]] [[Revision ID::!{{REVISIONID}}]]

When I embed {{REVISIONID}} in the page, I get the correct revision number: 22586

When I view Browse Properties, I get a completely different number: 1136

Not sure what to try next.

Revansx (talkcontribs)

I seem to be experiencing this as well. Is there an explanation to this problem? @MWJames, are you saying there is solution to this issue? I read the github link you provided, but I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to be learning from the comment that applies to this issue. Can you clarify, please?

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