Topic on Skin talk:Erudite/Flow

Book Creator and PDF Downloads (duplicate)

Summary by Njw

Duplicate thread; see above for discussion. (talkcontribs)

I am using the Collection Extension which adds a Print/Export menu. I am having a hard time recreating the functionality of that menu. There are 2 menu items I am particularly interested in but I would really prefer to have a Downloads menu under the Tools menu in the second column or on its own in the third column of the footer.

I've tried PDF and PDF and other variations but they all say the page does not exist.

How do I expand the Tools menu or add my own menu to the footer?

2601:240:4880:8430:F4AD:77A9:125:D3 (talkcontribs)

I am having the same trouble. I think you can only copy it. But you might be able to copy + paste and make it different pages? I don't know.

I tried looking it up...

No luck.

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