Skin talk:Erudite/Flow

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Multi-level lists are not indented

2 (talkcontribs)

I had to edit my MediaWiki:Erudite.css page and put in:

li {

 padding-left: 1.25rem;


Otherwise both ordered and un-ordered lists did not indent for sub-levels. Maybe that is intentional for this skin, but I found it disconcerting, maybe this will help someone else.

2601:681:4200:6320:99F4:B009:7C1B:743B (talkcontribs)

Does not indent, and the fix doesn't fix it. Having to dig deeper.

MediaWiki    1.39.3 PHP    8.2.5 (apache2handler) Erudite    1.8 (e127bb7) 06:55, 7 March 2023

Reply to "Multi-level lists are not indented"

Book Creator and PDF Downloads (duplicate)

Summary by Njw

Duplicate thread; see above for discussion. (talkcontribs)

I am using the Collection Extension which adds a Print/Export menu. I am having a hard time recreating the functionality of that menu. There are 2 menu items I am particularly interested in but I would really prefer to have a Downloads menu under the Tools menu in the second column or on its own in the third column of the footer.

I've tried PDF and PDF and other variations but they all say the page does not exist.

How do I expand the Tools menu or add my own menu to the footer?

2601:240:4880:8430:F4AD:77A9:125:D3 (talkcontribs)

I am having the same trouble. I think you can only copy it. But you might be able to copy + paste and make it different pages? I don't know.

I tried looking it up...

No luck.

Reply to "Book Creator and PDF Downloads (duplicate)"

Change Position of Privacy (et al) links

Ktfeenan (talkcontribs)

on our site there ae a number of default links (privacy, about, disclaimer, etc) that are listed in long form.

I'd like to do a couple of things

1) change where the "privacy policy" link goes to - as we have a master privacy policy on our main website

2) add in a couple of additional links (terms of service)

3) either switch this up so that its not stacked but rather side-by-side and/or move it to the footer (col 3)

Is there an easy way to do this without having to modify the skin php code - I'm assuming any changes I make directly to the code will get wiped out if there is an update to the skin and that any updates will over-write all custom changes.

Reply to "Change Position of Privacy (et al) links"
Moremeta (talkcontribs)

The skin has a number of layout issues in MediaWiki version 1.35.

Actiuinformatica (talkcontribs)

I've solved this by downloading a fresh copy of skin package for MediaWiki 1.35

Reply to "Broken with 1.35"

Problem with mediawiki 1.34

Moremeta (talkcontribs)

After upgrading to mediawiki 1.34, there were extra UI elements at the bottom on the page, containing weird error messages. Inspecting the web server logs revealed a number of errors mentioning `undefined method ParserOptions::setEditSection()`.

Manually commenting out the call to `setEditSection` at line 49 of `` fixes the problem.

Reply to "Problem with mediawiki 1.34"

move the logo of erudite skin from "top left" to "top right"

1 (talkcontribs)

i need to move the logo of erudite skin from "top left" to "top right".

i have some experience with php and css but i cant seem to find the correct location to fix that issue.

any help is appreciated.

Reply to "move the logo of erudite skin from "top left" to "top right""

I love the Erudite look!

Manu3d (talkcontribs)

Really love the Erudite look. I'm currently comparing it to the Foreground skin and Erudite is much better and clearer from a purely visual standpoint. What I do appreciate of the Foreground skin though are the pulldown menus. In Erudite, having to go at the end of the page to find a number of important links (settings, tools, custom links) is a bit annoying.

So, big thumb up for the clean design overall, (smaller) thumb down for the important links down below the page's content. =)

Reply to "I love the Erudite look!"

Why my edit was rejected

Ency (talkcontribs)

I've added info that Erudite 1.18 need MW 1.25+ after I've in my wiki received message "This version of the erudite skin requires MediaWiki 1.25+", but User:Kghbln deleted it. So why?

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

Have you seen my changes??? Obviously not.

Ency (talkcontribs)

What do you mean by "my changes"? Where are they? If I don't know where they are I indeed haven't seen them. BTW, it's a little unkind to arbitrarily close this topic

Ency (talkcontribs)

All is OK.

Reply to "Why my edit was rejected"

Search Box Location

4 (talkcontribs)

I don't instictively look at the bottom of a page for a search box. The upper right corner is, I think, the more appropriate location. Is there any way to change the location of the search box?

Dea-Renate (talkcontribs)

Unsure about bumping etiquette here, but I just added a quick fix for that on my Wiki. Just add the following at line 84 at

				<form action="<?php $this->text( 'wgScript' ); ?>" id="searchform">
					<input type='hidden' name="title" value="<?php $this->text( 'searchtitle' ) ?>" />
						<?php echo $this->makeSearchInput( array( 'type' => 'text', 'id' => 's' ) ); ?>
						<?php echo $this->makeSearchButton( 'go', array(
							'value' => $this->translator->translate( 'searchbutton' ),
							'class' => "searchButton",
							'id'    => "searchsubmit",
						) ); ?>

This doesn't remove the one at the footer (I didn't think it necessary), but it's easily removable at (around) line 150 in the same file.

Quick73 (talkcontribs)
Great floors (talkcontribs)

To get the positioning perfect, copy the search box code from the bottom footer, then add it in as a list item after the autogenerated list items. Then go to erudite.css and in the #menu li:last-child section add the line "float: right;".

The search box will be perfectly in line with the menu items except that it will be on the right edge of the screen.

Here's my php code, but be aware that it includes a potential error but I can't be bothered fixing it because it will never affect me - and probably nobody else either. Namely, the menu list is opened (<ul> etc.) *if* there are menu items. My code then includes a new menu item and closes the menu list, but my code never checked if the menu list was opened. For me, I know there will always be menu items, so I know the list will always get opened, so I don't care about this potential error. Would be easy to fix but I'm working to a deadline...

I'm including all the code from line 74 onwards for context in case the line numbers have changed in later versions. I'm working on REL1_25.

			<div id="nav" role="navigation">
				if( array_key_exists( 'navigation', $this->data['sidebar'] ) ) {
					echo "<ul id='menu'>\n";
					foreach( $this->data['sidebar']['navigation'] as $item ) {
						printf( '<li id="menu-item-%s">', Sanitizer::escapeId( $item['id'] ) );
						printf( '<a href="%s">%s</a>', htmlspecialchars( $item['href'] ), htmlspecialchars( $item['text'] ) );
						echo "</li>\n";
			<form action="<?php $this->text( 'wgScript' ); ?>" id="searchform">
					<input type='hidden' name="title" value="<?php $this->text( 'search' ) ?>" />
					<div style="float: right;">
						<?php echo $this->makeSearchInput( array( 'type' => 'text', 'id' => 's' ) ); ?>
						<?php echo $this->makeSearchButton( 'go', array(
							'value' => $this->translator->translate( 'searchbutton' ),
							'class' => "searchButton",
							'id'    => "searchsubmit",
						) ); ?>

. Great floors (talk) 16:17, 1 May 2017 (UTC)

Reply to "Search Box Location"

Search Suggest/Autocomplete not working

1 (talkcontribs)

This is a great skin in many ways, but I haven't been able to get the search suggest/autocomplete to work in the search box (it does work on Special:Search). Any ideas on how to fix this? Running MW 1.25.5.

Reply to "Search Suggest/Autocomplete not working"
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