Could you please fix the warning that appears when we open the Special Page? I don't known PHP, and I'm an amateur in programming, I could remove the warning, but I don't known if its the best way to do it (I just saw some functions and... tried to do something that looks like its right hehe funny, but worked!)
#Push_Body.php public function getTitle($subpage = false) { return version_compare( $GLOBALS['wgVersion'], '1.18', '>' ) ? parent::getTitle($subpage) : $GLOBALS['wgTitle']; }
Sugestion. Could you please add an option to specify an account without the need to hardcode the password in the... LocalSettings.php? I don't think its the best option we would have... There should be a way to specify a username in the wiki where Push is installed, and the Push, retrieve the password from the database...
Thanks to be more one that helps the community!