Topic on User talk:GWicke/Flow

Parsoid on distant server node.js

Meryl28 (talkcontribs)


I'm stucked on this problem. I installed Parsoid on my distant server (node.js 0.10.15) from, but when i start my server, workers loads and when they are ready, they report this error (for all):

       throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: bind EADDRINUSE
   at errnoException (net.js:901:11)
   at net.js:1073:26
   at Object.1:1 (cluster.js:587:5)
   at handleResponse (cluster.js:171:41)
   at respond (cluster.js:192:5)
   at handleMessage (cluster.js:202:5)
   at process.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:117:20)
   at handleMessage (child_process.js:318:10)
   at child_process.js:392:7
   at (child_process.js:91:7)
worker 867 died (8), restarting.
- worker(912) ready

Thanks for followed answers.

GWicke (talkcontribs)

Some other service is using port 8000. This could be another Parsoid instance, or an unrelated service.

You can either stop that service, or change Parsoid's port by setting the VCAP_APP_PORT environment variable:

VCAP_APP_PORT=9000 node server.js

Meryl28 (talkcontribs)

On gandi, i have a default server.js already using port 8080 (i set my parsoid server to 8080). So that's probably this. But gandi's server allow me access only on port 8080. I can't force ports usage.

On gandi's server, i have default directory, it's my root. In it, i have server.js by default. That server.js is ran automatically. VisualEditor catch this front-page's text and, when i save in VE, this text is saved in anyway.

I haven't rights before this directory, so how can i run my parsoid instance from this root ? Sorry for imperfections in my english.

GWicke (talkcontribs)

You will need a free port to use by Parsoid. If your wiki is running on the same box, then that port does not even need to be accessible from the outside. If you can reach http://localhost:8000/ (assuming default port) from the wiki box, then you will be fine. (talkcontribs)

Just Log out completly and then try again... It works for me

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