Topic on Extension talk:Semantic Glossary/Flow

handling synonymous terms in Semantic Glossary

4 (talkcontribs)

How do I handle synonyms in Semantic Glossary? In Lingo you can specify synonyms in the following way:

Term definition



F.trott (talkcontribs)

Hi Anna, good question. I thought it would be as easy as specifying a second Glossary-Terms for one definition. But I just tried it and it does not work. So right now the only way to do this is to actually define the two synonyms separately. I will fix the extension so this should be easier in future versions.

Cheers (talkcontribs)

Hi all,

it is possible, but elaborate to create synonyms for a page. I succeded to do so by creating a Semantic Internal Object for every synonym on the page. This can e.g. be simplified by using functions like {{lc:term}} and {{uc:term}} in templates to simulate case-insensitivity. Just don't look on the complexity...

thx (talkcontribs)

Have some solution to use synonymous in Semantic Glossary?

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