Topic on Extension talk:HashTables

HashTables, version 0.6.2

6 (talkcontribs)

Hello, i need HashTables, version 0.6.2, some templates refuses to work with newer versions of HashTables, but they are very important. Also i can`t rewrite them. Please, can someone help me to find 0.6.2 version. Svn here begins from 0.6.4-alpha

Danwe (talkcontribs)

Version 0.6.2 and Version 0.6.3 (last non-svn release). Would be interesting to know whether anything is wrong with your templates (like them relying on bugs) or whether the new HashTable version has some bug. (talkcontribs)

thank you very match, the problem still here, so it not HashTables bug...this version was the only difference between my and original wiki-setups..

Danwe (talkcontribs)

If you can provide the link to your wiki, I could take a look at it if you want. (talkcontribs)

just uploaded it to web-server to show you..and all works like a charm, does not work only on my pc, very strange. thanks, but i feel uncomfortable to bother you with this magic problems, on the other hand, l`ve lost few days trying to figure out why it does not work, and will be glad to solve it. i can provide chrome remote desktop access to my pc, and we can take a look to this problem, drop me a line to , and we agree on the time

Danwe (talkcontribs)

Sounds strage indeed but a link to your web-server installation could help already, I could check for extensions which might behave differently on certain systems. I'll send you a message about the time later.

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