Topic on Help talk:Extension:WebFonts/Flow

Supported Browser Matrix

Logicwiki (talkcontribs)
-- Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7 Ubuntu 11.10 Fedora 15 Mac OS X
Internet Explorer 6
Internet Explorer 7
Internet Explorer 8
Internet Explorer 9
Google Chrome <version>
Firefox 3.x
Firefox 4.x
Firefox 9
Opera 11.x
Safari 5.x

-- This needs to be updated and go into help page. Would also be nice to add mobile support details. Logicwiki 16:07, 5 January 2012 (UTC)

Siddhartha Ghai (talkcontribs)

Works fine for me with Windows 7 and google chrome, and windows 7 and opera.

Siebrand (talkcontribs)

This is a pretty cool table, Shrikanth. Thank you for that! I'll look into using the (un)supported flags without text, so that the table is easier to localise, and will integrate it into the documentation in the coming week.

Logicwiki (talkcontribs)
) Just an addition, for Windows XP, add a small yellowish icon to say unhinted fonts might not be best / something like a star near the tick to say WebFonts might be not best in Windows XP for some languages/fonts.
Reply to "Supported Browser Matrix"