Talk:MediaWiki Language Extension Bundle/de

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The latest version need's at least 1.35.3

DesignerThan (talkcontribs)

I just updated the bundle to the lates version while using MW1.35.0. As soon as I wanted to mark a page for translation I got a fatal error message.

[YVOQeS7S@b1XulxvQpOXrwAAANU] /index.php?title=Spezial:%C3%9Cbersetzung_von_Seiten&target=Hauptseite&do=mark Error from line 40 of /www/htdocs/w014d7f1/ Undefined constant 'DB_PRIMARY'
#0 /www/htdocs/w014d7f1/ MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\PageTranslation\TranslationUnitStoreFactory->getWriter(Title)
#1 /www/htdocs/w014d7f1/ TPParse->loadFromDatabase()
#2 /www/htdocs/w014d7f1/ TPParse->getSectionsForSave(integer)
#3 /www/htdocs/w014d7f1/ SpecialPageTranslation->checkInput(TranslatablePage, boolean)
#4 /www/htdocs/w014d7f1/ SpecialPageTranslation->onActionMark(Title, integer)
#5 /www/htdocs/w014d7f1/ SpecialPageTranslation->execute(NULL)
#6 /www/htdocs/w014d7f1/ SpecialPage->run(NULL)
#7 /www/htdocs/w014d7f1/ MediaWiki\SpecialPage\SpecialPageFactory->executePath(Title, RequestContext)
#8 /www/htdocs/w014d7f1/ MediaWiki->performRequest()
#9 /www/htdocs/w014d7f1/ MediaWiki->main()
#10 /www/htdocs/w014d7f1/ MediaWiki->run()
#11 /www/htdocs/w014d7f1/ wfIndexMain()
#12 {main}

By searching for Undefined constant DB_PRIMARY I found that this is the name that MW1.35.3 uses.

Maybe someone can add a notice somewhere on the page about that issue or just alter the compatible version.

Kofl007 (talkcontribs)

Absolutely, your information that an upgrade is required was the only source found on the Internet so far. Thanks

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