Talk:India Hackathon 2011/Flow

About this board

Pchang (talkcontribs)

It is getting close to show time and some of the descriptions under the Language section in Proposed Topics is very un-polished. Just wondering - who is editing that?

I am about to add some copy under Mobile, and just warning that it will look pretty different from what is above it.

Reply to "Final descriptions"

Confirmation of invitation from the Organizers

Jain.dhrj (talkcontribs)

When would we be able to know about the status of invitation for participation in Hackathon after filling up the registration form.

Siebrand (talkcontribs)

We are planning on assessing them today, and I hope that by next Tuesday everyone should get a "yes", "no" or "maybe, please provide some additional info" mail. (talkcontribs)

I submitted my request today. BY when can I expect a reply ? Kindly reply at earliest. Thank You.

Siebrand (talkcontribs)

All applications are being processed now. You should get an e-mail within an hour.

Reply to "Confirmation of invitation from the Organizers"

Spelling error in bannner

1 (talkcontribs)

The gujarati spelling of "Wikipedia" is incorrect, you may want to fix it..! -PY

Reply to "Spelling error in bannner"
Yogesh Khandke (talkcontribs)

The page discusses off-line content, what care would be taken to deal with content that is illegal in India namely distorted maps of India? Yogesh Khandke 17:10, 30 October 2011 (UTC)

Logicwiki (talkcontribs)

This event would only be focussing on technical aspects. Period

Reply to "Illegal content"
GerardM (talkcontribs)

When we know of ORGANISATIONS that are represented, we can advertise this in order to get more organisations to join the hackathon

Reply to "Who is attending"

inventory what projects use what standards

GerardM (talkcontribs)

When we are to get into standards, it helps when other organisations who are aligned, who have the same / similar needs are known. It helps when we share resources so that we can get more done

Reply to "inventory what projects use what standards"
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