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Developer role would equal +2 rights in mediawiki

GLavagetto (WMF) (talkcontribs)

I think we would need another level for people who regularly do dev work and are trusted but still didn't earn the old "+2 rights" (which means being able to merge MRs to the main branch), btu should be able to create branches (so, run CI on their changes).

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Taking the opportunity to (re-)standardize repository naming

Greg (WMF) (talkcontribs)

We'll be breaking the git checkout urls for all of the repositories anyway, so we can fix a lot of the naming cruft we've acquired over the years in Gerrit. We also expect to restrict top-level namespaces (see for example the mediawiki one on the policy page as one of them) for easier discovery and permissions management.

This is a placeholder thread for giving feedback on how we'll do it.

Jdforrester (WMF) (talkcontribs)


Top levels I can think of are mediawiki, operations, and wikimedia, (i.e. scrapping integration and moving the remaining contents under mediawiki/tools; moving analytics/ under wikimedia; and moving the dozens of random top-level ones into somewhere more appropriate, generally mediawiki/libs and mediawiki/services).

Whilst we're at it, renaming mediawiki/core.git to something more obvious for our main repo — mediawiki/mediawiki.git or whatever — would be particularly gratifying.

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