
This page is a translated version of the page Skin:Citizen and the translation is 10% complete.
Manuel des habillages MediaWiki - catégorie
État de la version : stable
Description A beautiful, usable, responsive MediaWiki skin with in-depth extension support. Originally developed for the Star Citizen Wiki.
Auteur(s) alistair3149, Octfx
Version actuelle : 3.0.0-alpha (2025-01-03)
MediaWiki 1.43.0+
Composer starcitizentools/citizen-skin
Licence Licence publique générale GNU v3.0 ou supérieur
Exemple Star Citizen Wiki (English, German, Chinese), Tolkien Gateway, The Apple Wiki, Wikimedia Skin Lab, Wiki Lớp Học Mật Ngữ
  • $wgCitizenThemeDefault
  • $wgCitizenEnableSearch
  • $wgCitizenSearchGateway
  • $wgCitizenSearchDescriptionSource
  • $wgCitizenMaxSearchResults
  • $wgCitizenEnableManifest
  • $wgCitizenManifestThemeColor
  • $wgCitizenManifestBackgroundColor
  • $wgCitizenShowPageTools
  • $wgCitizenThemeColor
  • $wgCitizenGlobalToolsPortlet
  • $wgCitizenEnableDrawerSiteStats
  • $wgCitizenUseNumberFormatter
  • $wgCitizenEnableCollapsibleSections
  • $wgCitizenEnableARFonts
  • $wgCitizenEnableCJKFonts
  • $wgCitizenTableNowrapClasses
Utilisé par les wikis publics 29 (Ranked 39th)
Habillage par défaut des wikis publics 12
Traduisez l'habillage Citizen sur translatewiki.net

Citizen is a beautiful, usable, responsive MediaWiki skin that makes extensions part of the cohesive experience. It was initially created for the Star Citizen Wiki but is flexible to run on various MediaWiki configurations.

If you find an issue or there is some improvements that you would like to work on, please feel free to submit patches or report issues over at GitHub. Alternatively you can also use the discussion page for any help regarding the skin.

Fonctionnalités notables

  • Responsive layout - Responsive and able to adapt to different screen sizes.
  • Light/dark mode - Switch between light and dark mode.
  • Cohesive extension styles - Supported extensions blend with the rest of the UI.
  • Reading preferences - Adjust page width, font size, and line height.
  • Collapsible sections - Collapse and expand article sections.
  • Persistent ToC - Access ToC anywhere in the article.
  • Rich search suggestions - More helpful search suggestions with images and descriptions.
  • Progressive Web App - Give a more app-like experience when users add your wiki to their home screen.

Captures d'écran


  • Téléchargement et placez le(s) fichiers (s) dans un répertoire appelé Citizen dans votre dossier skins/.
  • Ajoutez le code suivant à la fin de votre fichier LocalSettings.php  :
    wfLoadSkin( 'Citizen' );
  • Put wfLoadSkin( 'Citizen' ); after all extensions
  • Configure as required.
  •   Fait - Naviguer vers Special:Version sur votre wiki pour vérifier l'installation correcte de l'habillage.


To use Citizen with MobileFrontend, simply add this to your LocalSettings.php:

$wgDefaultMobileSkin = 'citizen';


The skin works out of the box without any configurations. The config flags allow more customization on the specific features in the skin. Check out this page on how to adapt Citizen styles on your wiki.


Nom Description Valeurs Default
$wgCitizenThemeDefault The default theme of the skin
  • 'auto' - switch between light and dark according to OS/browser settings
  • 'light'
  • 'dark'
$wgCitizenEnableCollapsibleSections Enables or disable collapsible sections on content pages true
$wgCitizenShowPageTools The condition of page tools visibility
  • true - always visible
  • 'login' - visible to logged-in users
  • 'permission' - visible to users with the right permissions
$wgCitizenGlobalToolsPortlet ID of the portlet to attach the global tools string ''
$wgCitizenEnableDrawerSiteStats Enables the site statistics in drawer menu true
$wgCitizenUseNumberFormatter Use NumberFormatter for site statistics, which allows formatting number in a localized way true
$wgCitizenThemeColor The color defined in the theme-color meta tag Hex color code '#131a21'
$wgCitizenEnableARFonts Enable included Noto Naskh Arabic for wikis that serve Arabic false
$wgCitizenEnableCJKFonts Enable included Noto Sans CJK for wikis that serves CJK languages false
$wgCitizenTableNowrapClasses Defines table css classes ignored by citizen table wrapper array [ "citizen-table-nowrap", "diff", "mw-changeslist-line", "mw-recentchanges-table", "infobox", "cargoDynamicTable", "dataTable", "srf-datatable", "smw-datatable", "mw-capiunto-infobox" ]

Search suggestions

Name Description Values Default
$wgCitizenSearchGateway Which gateway to use for fetching search suggestion mwActionApi; mwRestApi mwActionApi
$wgCitizenSearchDescriptionSource Source of description text on search suggestions wikidata - Use description provided by WikibaseLib or ShortDescription ; textextracts - Use description provided by TextExtracts ; pagedescription - Use description provided by Description2 or any other extension that sets the description page property textextracts
$wgCitizenMaxSearchResults Max number of search suggestions Integer > 0 6

Webapp manifest

Name Description Values Default
$wgCitizenEnableManifest Enable or disable web app manifest true
$wgCitizenManifestThemeColor Theme color of the web app manifest Hex color code #131a21
$wgCitizenManifestBackgroundColor Background color of the web app manifest Hex color code #131a21

Keyboard shortcuts

  • / - Search

The following shortcut keys are a part of MediaWiki core, and it works across all skins.

Depending on the browser used, sometimes ⇧ Shift can be omitted.

  • alt+⇧ Shift+f - Search
  • alt+⇧ Shift+e - Edit
  • alt+⇧ Shift+r - Recent Changes
  • alt+⇧ Shift+x - Random Page
  • alt+⇧ Shift+h - History
  • alt+⇧ Shift+t - Talk Page
  • alt+⇧ Shift+z - Main Page