Bartosz created a proof of concept that enables us to test Gerrit patches with one click. This project came out of the hack week the team held at the end of December (2019). Demo instructions are here: phab:T76245#5788579
Deployed version 1.0 of Replies for Discussionztools to Arabic, Dutch, French and Hungarian Wikipedias via a query string parameter
Release Engineering: The manual analytics-refinery-release and analytics-refinery-update-jars Jenkins jobs need to be ported from bare-metal Jessie into Docker (or just dropped) phab:T210271
WMDE/Wikidata: waiting for updates on phab:T236895
Analytics: The manual analytics-refinery-release and analytics-refinery-update-jars Jenkins jobs need to be ported from bare-metal Jessie into Docker (or just dropped) phab:T210271
Performance: Duplicate entry '|en' for key 'PRIMARY' phab:T245570
SRE on on phab:T217924 (Make canary wait time configurable)