More tweaks to how we import data from our bulk mailing provider
Changes to our custom drupal code to accommodate using a read-only database connection for some requests.
Still working on button to send end-of-year summary receipt on demand phab:T221271
Trying to understand a few more oddities in the new EventLogging data pipeline. For example, how are we getting client-side FundraiserLandingPage events without corresponding server-log pageviews? phab:T236835#5670862 ...see the section "Explaining orphaned events in new logs"
Finishing up initally-contractor-written feature to extend geotargeting to regions smaller than countries. phab:T226438
Potentially Wikidata/WMDE: Mentioned 2 times in SoS already with no result: In the Data Bridge work (editing Wikidata items from Wikipedia) we have encountered problems with Special:EntityData serving stale (old) data. The problem is quite old: phab:T128486. We are looking for a team/person with whom we could get some clarity on the current state of the cache solutions on WMF cluster, and figure out how to get phab:T128486 unstuck.
release wikidiff2 to get section titles from compare endpoint
Search Platform: Not critically blocked by, but pinging the team to have a look at phab:T234431.
Not sure who, Core Platform? Mentioned 2 times in SoS already with no result: In the Data Bridge work (editing Wikidata items from Wikipedia) we have encountered problems with Special:EntityData serving stale (old) data. The problem is quite old: phab:T128486. We are looking for a team/person with whom we could get some clarity on the current state of the cache solutions on WMF cluster, and figure out how to get phab:T128486 unstuck.