Product Analytics/Offsites/2018-11-Onsite

See the posted travel manifests for hotel & flight info.



Days 1 & 2 will be away from the office, Day 3 will be mostly in-office.

Tuesday, November 27

Day 1
Activity Approx. start time Duration
Breakfast 9AM 15 mins
Offsite Goals 9:15AM 15 mins
Introductions 9:30AM 30 mins Show and/or tell something you’re passionate about (hobby, pet, some piece of media, passion project, etc.)
Values 10AM 1.5 hrs (incl. 15 minute break) Outcome 1: Rough Sketch of Team’s Values
Vision 11:30AM 30 mins Outcome 2: Rough Sketch of Team’s Vision
Lunch 12PM 1 hr
Vision (cont'd) 1PM 1.5 hrs
Break 1:30PM 15 mins
Assessment 2:45PM 2 hrs 15 min Outcome 3: Outline of requirements for accomplishing vision
Dinner 6PM 2 hrs


  • Overview
  • Wikimedia Values:
    • We strive for excellence.
    • We welcome and cherish our differences.
    • We are in this together.
    • We engage in civil discourse.
    • We are inspired.
  • 15 minutes generating values
  • 30 minutes clustering
    • Identifying themes for team’s core values
    • Should not be in conflict with Wikimedia values
  • Takeaways (15-30 minutes)


  • Wikimedia Mission:
    • The mission of the Wikimedia Foundation is to empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop educational content under a free license or in the public domain, and to disseminate it effectively and globally.
  • Audiences Product Principles:
    • Community-centric: enabling welcoming, vibrant communities where new and experienced people come together to create, share, and discover knowledge through collaboration.
    • Usable for all: promoting equity through usable, useful, and inclusive tools and services that meet the needs of a diversity of people and machines across user experiences.
    • Intentionally transparent: demystifying the knowledge creation process and encourage participation by giving everyone visibility into how information is created, verified, and improved over time.
    • Extensible and sustainable: creating the conditions for people and machines to use, reuse, and build on top of our platform, extending free knowledge and supporting a sustainable future for Wikimedia.
  • What are we working toward as a team?
    • Should not be in conflict with Audiences Product Principles
    • Helps us think top-down rather than bottom-up



What do we have in place and what is missing to accomplish our vision?


  • New hire(s)
  • Team Structure
  • Requests, prioritization, capacity planning
    • QCI
    • Ad hoc product questions
  • Training (others), knowledge transfer, presentations
  • Infrastructure & instrumentation
  • Dependencies/collaboration

Wednesday, November 28

Day 2
Activity Approx. start time Duration
Breakfast 9AM 15 mins
Recap 9:15AM 30 mins
Process & Structure 9:45AM 2.5 hrs (includes 15 minute break) Outcome 4: Proposal of process changes/projects based on Outcome 3
Lunch 12:15PM 1 hr
Hackathon 1:15PM 4 hrs Outcome 5: Dashboards & Data Dives

Process & Structure


Examples we could tackle:

  • Team reorg
  • Hiring
  • Formalizing our prioritization framework
  • Refining guidelines for requests
  • Establishing & announcing office hours
  • Reviewing & rethinking our meetings
  • Reusable code, recommended workflows

Thursday, November 29

Day 3
Activity Approx. start time Duration
Sync w/ Audiences Directors 9AM 1 hr Share outcomes 1-4
Results sharing 10AM 1.5 hrs informal presentations of outcome 5
Break 11:30AM 15 mins
Back2Business: Part I 11:45AM 30 min
Lunch 12:15PM 1.5 hrs
Back2Business: Part II 1:45PM 45 min
(Travel time) 2:30PM 1.5 hrs
Escape Room 4PM 2 hrs

Notes & Outcomes


Outcome 1: Values


The following is a rough draft of values we've identified as essential to our team, and which we will dedicate ourselves to:

  • Scientific rigor
  • Integrity & ethics
  • Privacy
  • Respect
  • Impact & insights
  • Inclusivity & seek diversity
  • Curious, inspired, and innovative
  • Transparency & sharing
  • Nurturing, educating, and empowering
  • Growth

Outcome 2: Vision


We deliver quantitatively-based user insights that enable good decision making and which are:

  • impact oriented
  • accessible & digestible
  • reliable & valid
  • ethically sourced & applied

Our primary client is Audiences

Outcome 3: Needs


Outcome 4: Proposals
