Product Analytics/Offboarding

Template and checklists for team members moving on to new adventures. Recommended: copy this page into a doc and update with relevant information.

Offboarding Checklist

  • Inform the teams you’re working with; plan for work transitions as needed
  • Clean up stuff in the following locations -- remove, or move to another directory/team drive (Check for more information:
    • stat machine
    • notebook machine
    • HDFS
    • Hive database under your username
    • Stuff on PAWS under your staff account
    • Google drive: change ownership or move to team drive -- move to the product team’s drive if you have specific work applicable to that product team; otherwise, move to Product Analytics team drive
  • Stop or transfer any cron job or oozie job
  • Return all testing devices
  • [Optional] Send a farewell letter :)

Open tasks


Check your assigned tasks on Phabricator, work with your manager to decide which should be transferred, which should be unassigned, and which should be closed. Document them here.

  • Task (with link): status/progress



For tables in your Hive database, or datasets in other locations under your account, work with your manager to decide which should be removed, and which should be moved to other locations

  • Table: query, description, usage

Past work


Go through folders in local & remote machine, Google drive and github/codebase, list all your past projects here with links to all related documentation. Group by product team/topic.

Product Team Name

  • Data dictionary/Metrics definition doc
  • Other links on mediawiki?



Report directory: link

  • Report name: ticket, report link, codebase link

Data Instrumentation

  • Spec
  • QA documentation
  • Bug ticket


  • Dashboard link, ticket, codebase link