Parsoid/Language conversion

This page contains some notes about LanguageConverter.

For improvements (syntactic regularization) to the PHP implementation of LanguageConverter, see T54661. These improvements have resulted in some articles that need to be fixed up: see Parsoid/Language_conversion/Preprocessor_fixups. For the Parsoid implementation of LanguageConverter, see T43716.

MediaWiki DOM specification for LanguageConverter markup



Testing LanguageConverter with Parsoid and VisualEditor


The easiest way for an English-literate developer to test LanguageConverter is to first enable Pig Latin on your test wiki. To do this, add the following line to your LocalSettings.php:

$wgUsePigLatinVariant = true;

You will then see a drop down menu for selecting a language variant (assuming that $wgDisableLangConversion = false, which is the default). You can pick Pig Latin (Igpay Atinlay) here.


You should already be running the latest MediaWiki (make sure is included) and Parsoid (make sure is included). You may need to add some patches on top of VisualEditor. At the moment I recommend:

cd .../VisualEditor
git-review -d 358396
git submodule update

Now create a test article with some LanguageConverter markup. You can copy and paste from here.

Open the new article with VisualEditor and have some fun! Let me know what you think.