A few convenience functions exist to display a quick message or question dialog, without having to set up a MessageDialog and WindowManager and other boilerplate.
For all the dialogs some additional options, such as title
, can be passed in the second parameter. If you need more flexibility, you should extend the MessageDialog
Alert dialog
displays a quick modal alert dialog. The dialog has only one action button, labelled "OK" to simply close the dialog. It can also be closed by pressing Esc. See complete documentation.
OO.ui.alert( 'Something happened!' ).done( function () {
console.log( 'User closed the dialog.' );
} );
Confirmation dialog
displays a quick modal confirmation dialog. The dialog has two action buttons, one to confirm an operation (labelled "OK") and one to cancel it (labelled "Cancel"). See complete documentation.
OO.ui.confirm( 'Are you sure?' ).done( function ( confirmed ) {
if ( confirmed ) {
console.log( 'User clicked "OK"!' );
} else {
console.log( 'User clicked "Cancel" or closed the dialog.' );
} );
Prompt dialog
display a quick prompt dialog. The dialog has a text input widget and two action buttons, one to confirm an operation (labelled "OK") and one to cancel it (labelled "Cancel"). See complete documentation.
Configuration options for the text input, such as placeholder
or value
can be passed in the textInput
config parameter.
OO.ui.prompt( 'Choose a line to go to', { textInput: { placeholder: 'Line number' } } ).done( function ( result ) {
if ( result !== null ) {
console.log( 'User typed "' + result + '" then clicked "OK".' );
} else {
console.log( 'User clicked "Cancel" or closed the dialog.' );
} );