Mobile Gateway/Formatéierung vun der mobiler Homepage
Main pages of MediaWiki instances which go beyond traditional text (for example using two column layouts) usually require special treatment to display on mobile via Extension:TemplateStyles in responsive skins such as Skin:Timeless and Skin:Minerva .
Wann d'Haaptsäit (homepage) vun Ärem Wikimedia-Projet net formatéiert ass fir op mobilen Apparater gewisen ze ginn, a wann Dir en Administrateur vun deem Projet sidd, da féiert w.e.g. d'Instruktiounen hei drënner aus.
Denkt drun: Dir musst Adminstraursrechter hu fir d'Haapsäit z'änneren
Hiding content on mobile
D'éischt musst Dir decidéieren wat fir een Inhalt op déi mobil Haaptsäit gehéiert
Evaluate the page elements in the desktop version (e.g. "Picture of the Day") by asking:
- how popular are they?
- are they updated regularly?
- are they suitable for quick reading?
- will they fit nicely in a mobile screen?
Wann Dir bis decidéiert huet watfir Elementer Sënn maachen da gitt op de Schrëtt 2.
You must be logged in and have administrative rights to do the following. On the desktop view of the homepage, click "Änneren" and find the elements you want to include in the mobile view.
Each element you want excluded from the page should be given a class "nomobile" or wrapped in an element with this class present.
<div class="nomobile"> ... </div>
What goes in between the opening and closing div tags? It will most likely be a template for the page element, such as "Picture of the Day".
Using responsive styles
Certain styles are not mobile friendly. For example any css rules which make use of fixed pixel size e.g. width, height, padding. If different style treatment is needed please use Extension:TemplateStyles or port these styles to MediaWiki:Common.css or MediaWiki:Mobile.css. TemplateStyles is recommended but 3rd parties may wish to use the MobileFrontend feature flag $wgMFSiteStylesRenderBlocking.
For common problems with table based layouts, you can use the styles in the Minerva compatiblity template.
Some tips on common problems are addressed at Making MediaWiki Mobile Friendly .
Klickt "Säit späicheren".
Make sure to test all your changes!