
This code will upload all the files in a directory. It will ignore subdirectories. You will need to have wikibot.classes.php (see Manual:Wikibot) in the same directory as this file, UploadBot.php, in order for it to work.

Usage edit

After configuring the code, go to a command prompt and type:
php UploadBot.php

Make sure that the appropriate page, e.g. User:MyBot/Run, exists.

Configuration edit

Modify these lines in the source code:

$path = '../yourDirectory/';

Make sure you set up your bot and wiki in the wikibot.config.php file; see Manual:Wikibot.

Code edit

UploadBot.php edit

error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
include 'wikibot.classes.php'; /* The wikipedia classes. */

# Configure these settings as you see fit.
$path = '../yourDirectory/';

$wpapi	= new wikipediaapi ('','','',$bot,$wiki,true);
$wpq	= new wikipediaquery ('','','',$bot,$wiki,true);
$wpi	= new wikipediaindex ('','','',$bot,$wiki,true);
if ($wpapi->login($user,$pass)!='true'){
    echo "Login failure";

if ($handle = opendir( $path ) ) {
    echo "Directory handle: $handle\n";
    echo "Files:\n";
    /* This is the correct way to loop over the directory. */
    while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
        $pathAndFile = $path.'/'.$file;
        if ( !is_dir ( $pathAndFile ) ) {
            echo "$file\n";
            var_dump ( $wpi->upload ( $file, $pathAndFile,'[[Category:Files from Libertarian Wiki]]' ) );