
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:PurgeOldText.php and the translation is 43% complete.
MediaWiki バージョン:


purgeOldText.php ファイルは、maintenance ディレクトリにあるメンテナンス スクリプトであり、未使用のテキスト レコードをクリーン アップするために使用できます。 It will remove from the text table any records which are not linked to any existing or archived revision.

Such orphaned text records should not exist during normal operation. We would expect every record in the text table to be linked from either a record in the revision table or archive table, and we would expect this script to find nothing to do. However such records may be left behind after error scenarios or direct database manipulations. This script will clean them up, and bring things into a consistent state, by deleting orphan text records. The deleted data would not have been reachable. It should have no noticeable impact on pages viewable by any users or administrators.

Because the text table contains the actual wiki page content data, it can occupy significant space, and purging unneeded records could help reduce the size of the database. Optimization of the MySQL text table is advisable after purging lots of text records.

  警告: This script attempts to remove unused entries from the text table, which can cause potential data loss.


オプション 説明 必須かどうか
--purge Does the purge (otherwise only displays the number of orphaned text records). 省略可能


php maintenance/run.php purgeOldText [ --purge ]
MediaWiki バージョン 1.39.10 以前では、メンテナンス スクリプトを php maintenance/run.php scriptName ではなく php maintenance/scriptName.php を使用して実行する必要があります。
