Manual:Mencadangkan wiki
Sangat penting untuk membuat cadangan wiki Anda (data dan berkasnya) secara rutin. Pada halaman ini akan dijelaskan secara umum bagaimana melakukan cadangan data wiki Anda pada MediaWiki; Untuk kebutuhan yang lebih spesifik misalnya cadangan secara periodik, Anda perlu melakukan penyesuaian tersendiri.
MediaWiki menyimpan data pada dua lokasi, yaitu:
- Database
- Halaman berikut isinya, pengguna berikut preferensinya, metadata, indeks pencarian, dsb.
- File System
- Berkas konfigurasi perangkat lunak, skin kustomisasi, ekstensi, gambar (termasuk di dalamnya gambar yang dihapus), dsb.
Pertimbangkan untuk membuat konfigurasi Wiki menjadi read-only saja sebelum melakukan backup - lihat $wgReadOnly . Hal ini akan memastikan data-data dalam proses backup akan konsisten.
Transfer berkas
Anda harus memilih metode untuk mentransfer berkas dari peladen letak mereka.
- Data yang tidak pribadi bisa diterbitkan di dan/atau di direktori
peladen web Anda. - SCP (atau WinSCP), SFTP/FTP atau protokol transfer apa pun yang Anda mau.
- Perusahaan hosting-nya mungkin menyediakan antarmuka manajer berkas lewat penjelajah web; periksa ke penyedia Anda.
Basis data
Mayoritas data kritikal wiki tersimpan di dalam database, berarti dapat disimpulkan bahwa umumnya proses backup akan cukup sederhana. Saat menggunakan MySQL atau MariaDB backend default, database dapat dibuang ke dalam file skrip yang nantinya dapat digunakan untuk membuat ulang database dan semua data di dalamnya dari awal. If your wiki is currently offline, its database can be backed up by simply copying the database file.
Saat menggunakan default MySQL atau MariaDB backend, database dapat dibuang ke dalam file skrip yang nantinya dapat digunakan untuk membuat ulang database dan semua data di dalamnya dari awal.
Lihat paketnya di Debian:
$ apt show automysqlbackup
Description: automysqlbackup creates backup every day, week and month for all of your MySQL database, to a configured folder. There's nothing to do but to install this package, and you'll rest assured that you have a way to go back in the history of your database.
Pasang paketnya:
# apt install automysqlbackup
Semua basis data Anda akan disimpan di /var/lib/automysqlbackup/:
$ find /var/lib/automysqlbackup/
Pencadangan manual:
# automysqlbackup
Mengembalikan basis data:
gunzip < /var/lib/automysqlbackup/weekly/my_wiki/my_wiki_week.18.2016-05-07_15h32m.sql.gz|mysql -uUSER -pPASSWORD my_wiki
Untuk distribusi lainnya, lihat di Sourceforge.
Mysqldump dari baris perintah
Cara paling mudah untuk membuat file dump dari database yang ingin Anda buat cadangannya adalah dengan menggunakan alat dump MySQL standar mysqldump dari baris perintah. Pastikan parameternya benar atau Anda mungkin mengalami kesulitan memulihkan database. Tergantung pada ukuran database, mysqldump dapat memakan banyak waktu.
Pertama masukkan baris berikut ke LocalSettings.php
$wgReadOnly = 'Dumping Database, Access will be restored shortly';
ini dapat dihapus segera setelah dump selesai.
Contoh perintah untuk dijalankan di shell Linux/UNIX:
mysqldump -h hostname -u userid -p --default-character-set=charset dbname > backup.sql
Mengganti hostname
, userid
, whatever
, dan dbname
yang sesuai.
Keempatnya dapat ditemukan di file LocalSettings.php (LSP) Anda.
nama host
dapat ditemukan di bawah $wgDBserver ; secara default itu adalah localhost.
dapat ditemukan di bawah $wgDBuser , apapun
dapat ditemukan di bawah $wgDBTableOptions , jika dicantumkan setelah DEFAULT CHARSET=
Jika whatever
tidak ditentukan, mysqldump kemungkinan akan menggunakan default utf8, atau jika menggunakan MySQL versi lama, latin1.
While dbname
may be found under $wgDBname .
Setelah menjalankan baris ini dari baris perintah mysqldump akan meminta kata sandi server (yang dapat ditemukan di bawah Manual:$wgDBpassword di LSP).
Lihat mysqldump untuk daftar lengkap parameter baris perintah.
The output from mysqldump can instead be piped to gzip, for a smaller output file, as follows
mysqldump -h hostname -u userid -p dbname | gzip > backup.sql.gz
Some newer versions of MySQL might show an error about tablespaces and PROCESS privilege.
MediaWiki does not use tablespaces.
The solution is to add the --no-tablespaces
option to the command:
mysqldump --no-tablespaces -h hostname -u userid -p dbname | gzip > backup.sql.gz
A similar mysqldump command can be used to produce XML output instead, by including the --xml parameter.
mysqldump -h hostname -u userid -p --xml dbname > backup.xml
dan untuk memampatkan file dengan saluran ke gzip
mysqldump -h hostname -u userid -p --xml dbname | gzip > backup.xml.gz
Additional options you should consider using with mysqldump for a backup includes the following.
Pilihan | Deskripsi |
--default-character-set | Tentukan set karakter default |
--no-tablespaces | Jangan menulis pernyataan CREATE LOGFILE GROUP atau CREATE TABLESPACE dalam output |
--single-transaction | Issue a BEGIN SQL statement before dumping data from server |
--triggers | Pemicu dump untuk setiap tabel yang dibuang |
--routines | Buang rutinitas yang tersimpan (prosedur dan fungsi) dari database yang dibuang |
--events | Buang events dari database yang dibuang |
--add-drop-table | Tambahkan pernyataan DROP DATABASE sebelum setiap pernyataan CREATE DATABASE |
--create-options | Sertakan opsi tabel khusus MySQL dalam pernyataan CREATE TABLE |
--extended-insert | Gunakan sintaksis INSERT multi-baris |
Jika Anda tidak menggunakan --single-transaction, maka Anda harus mempertimbangkan untuk menggunakan --lock-tables dan opsi --add-locks.
Karena perubahan yang tak terduga dalam versi MySQL 5.7.41 dan 8.0.32 pada Februari 2023, opsi transaksi --single mengharuskan pengguna cadangan untuk memiliki hak istimewa RELOAD atau FLUSH_TABLES. Masalah ini diperbaiki dalam versi MySQL 5.7.42 dan 8.0.33. See MySQL Bug 109685 and Ubuntu Bug 2003866 for details.
Remember to backup the additional file system components used by the wiki that might be required during a restore, like images, logo, skins and extensions.
Running mysqldump with Cron
Cron is the time-based job scheduler in Unix-like computer operating systems. Cron enables users to schedule jobs (commands or shell scripts) to run periodically at certain times or dates.
A sample command that you may run from a crontab may look like this:
nice -n 19 mysqldump -u $USER --password=$PASSWORD $DATABASE -c | nice -n 19 gzip -9 > ~/backup/wiki-$DATABASE-$(date '+%Y%m%d').sql.gz
The nice -n 19
lowers the priority of the process.
Use valid values for $USER
. This will write a backup file with the weekday in the filename so you would have a rolling set of backups. If you want to save the files and extensions as well, you might want to use this one.
If you want to add this task in Cron through Cpanel then you must escape the character "%"
/usr/bin/mysqldump -u $USER --password=$PASSWORD $DATABASE -c | /bin/gzip > ~/backup/wiki-$DATABASE-$(date '+\%Y\%m\%d').sql.gz
or you will get an error:
/bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' /bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
Running mysqldump with Systemd
Systemd unifies service configurations and control. Timers are systemd unit files that control service files or events. Timers can be used as an alternative to cron. An example of systemd unit files and backup script is shown below.
The following timer runs the wiki-backup service at 5:10 AM every morning.
$ cat /etc/systemd/system/wiki-backup.timer [Unit] Description=Run the backup service once a day Documentation=... [Timer] OnCalendar=*-*-* 05:10:00 RandomizedDelaySec=600 Persistent=true [Install]
When the wiki-backup timer fires, then the service is invoked.
The service runs a script located in /sbin
$ cat /etc/systemd/system/wiki-backup.service [Unit] Description=Run the backup service once a day Documentation=... [Service] Type=oneshot User=root ExecStart=/sbin/wiki-backup
wiki-backup script
$ cat /sbin/wiki-backup #!/usr/bin/env bash # Systemd adds random paths at times. Take full control of PATH. PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin export PATH # Read the backup password from conf or ini Failed wiki_password=... # Fix the wiki tables just in case. This step produces a lot of noise, # so send stdout to /dev/null. if MYSQL_PWD="${wiki_password}" \ mysqlcheck my_wiki --auto-repair --user=mwuser 1>/dev/null; then echo "Repair wiki database ok" else echo "Failed to repair wiki database" echo "Continuing anyways" fi # Disable the connection from Apache to MySQL for the dump if ! systemctl stop apache2.service ; then echo "Failed to stop Apache service" echo "Continuing anyways" fi # Lock option choice due to MySQL change at versions 5.7.41 and 8.0.32 in # February 2023. See and # if mysql --version 2>&1 | grep -q -E 'mysql[[:space:]]+Ver 8\.0\.32'; then echo "Using MySQL --lock-tables --add-locks options" mysql_lock_opt="--lock-tables --add-locks" else echo "Using MySQL --single-transaction option" mysql_lock_opt="--single-transaction" fi if MYSQL_PWD="${wiki_password}" \ mysqldump --no-tablespaces \ ${mysql_lock_opt} \ --events --triggers --routines \ --add-drop-table --create-options \ --extended-insert \ --default-character-set=utf8 \ -u mwuser -h localhost my_wiki | gzip -q -v9 > /backup/wiki-backup.sql.gz ; then echo "Dump wiki database ok" else echo "Failed to dump wiki database" echo "Continuing anyways" fi # Re-enable connection from Apache to MySQL for the dump if ! systemctl start apache2.service ; then echo "Failed to start Apache service" echo "Continuing anyways" fi exit 0
Beberapa dari tables yang dibuang memiliki derajat temporal yang berbeda. Jadi untuk menghemat ruang disk (tidak hanya melakukan gzip), walaupun tabel tersebut perlu ada dalam dump yang baik, data mereka tidak. Namun, dalam kondisi tertentu kerugian dari harus membangun ulang semua data ini adalah dapat lebih penting daripada menghemat ruang disk (misalnya, pada wiki yang besar kecepatan restorasi menjadi penting).
Lihat arsip diskusi pada milis thread mengenai topik ini.
Latin-1 to UTF-8 conversion
See the relevant section of the upgrading page for information about this process. Also see the talk page for more information about working with character sets in general.
You can use the pg_dump
tool to back up a MediaWiki PostgreSQL database. For example:
pg_dump mywiki > mywikidump.sql
will dump the mywiki
database to mywikidump.sql.
To restore the dump:
psql mywiki -f mywikidump.sql
You may also want to dump the global information, e.g. the database users:
pg_dumpall --globals > postgres_globals.sql
If your wiki is currently offline, its database can be backed up by simply copying the database file.
Otherwise, you should use a maintenance script: php maintenance/SqliteMaintenance.php --backup-to <backup file name>
, which will make sure that operation is atomic and there are no inconsistencies.
If your database is not really huge and server is not under heavy load, users editing the wiki will notice nothing but a short lag.
Users who are just reading will not notice anything in any case.
Turn your wiki to read only by adding $wgReadOnly = 'Site Maintenance';
to LocalSettings.php.
Find the wiki database in LocalSettings.php. Here is an example of what this looks like in LocalSettings.php:
## Database settings
$wgDBtype = "mysql";
$wgDBserver = "localhost";
$wgDBname = "sashtmax_mw19999";
$wgDBuser = "sashtmax_mw19999";
$wgDBpassword = "S7[88p]jJJ";
- Open the browser to your phpadmin link, login, choose the wiki database.
- Select Export. Make sure all items under Export are highlighted, and make sure Structure is highlighted (it's important to maintain the table structure). Optionally check Add DROP TABLE to delete existing references when importing. Make sure Data is checked.
- Select zipped.
- Click on GO and save the backup file.[1]
- Remove
$wgReadOnly = 'Site Maintenance';
from LocalSettings.php
Remember to also backup the file system components of the wiki that might be required, e.g. images, logo, and extensions.
External links
HeidiSQL (alternative to phpMyAdmin)
HeidiSQL is similar to phpMyAdmin, but without any restrictions of phpMyAdmin's free version. HeidiSQL requires a direct database connection, where some hosts may only offer web interfaces (phpMyAdmin) to firewalled databases.
Sistem berkas
MediaWiki menyimpan komponen lain dari wiki di dalam sistem berkas ketika ini lebih cocok daripada memasukkan mereka ke basis data.
Berkas yang paling penting adalah $1 dan berkas yang diunggah di direktori $2 (termasuk berkas gambar, thumbnail, dan gambar matematika dan SVG yang diberikan, jika ada).
- LocalSettings.php
- uploaded files in the
directory (including deleted files, thumbnails, and rendered math and SVG images, if applicable).
Metode yang terbaik untuk membackup berkas-berkas ini adalah dengan menempatkan mereka sebagai berkas archive seperti .tar
. Bagi pengguna sistem operasi Windows, dapat menggunakan aplikasi WinZip atau 7-zip.
Untuk varian Linux, dengan asumsi wiki disimpan di /srv/www/htdocs/wiki
tar zcvhf wikidata.tgz /srv/www/htdocs/wiki
It should be possible to backup the entire "wiki" folder in "htdocs" if using XAMPP.
Configuration files
LocalSettings.php is the most important of these, but a wiki might also have things like .htaccess
or other web server configuration files that should be backed up.
Uploaded files
Files uploaded to the wiki are by default put into the images/
directory, separated into subdirectories such as images/8/8f
There are also other directories such as images/archive/
and images/deleted/
These should all be backed up.
The images/thumb/
can be backed up along with everything else, but can optionally be excluded in order to save backup space.
This directory stores the derived thumbnails of images and other files; generally multiple thumbnails per wiki file.
After restoring from backup, these thumbnails will be recreated as required (although depending on $wgGenerateThumbnailOnParse this may need to be a manual process).
Cadangkan konten wiki (XML dump)
Merupakan ide yang bagus untuk membuat dump XML selain melakukan dump basisdata. Di dalam XML terdapat isi dari wiki (halaman wiki berikut dengan revisinya), tanpa data-yang-terkait (tidak terdapat akun user, metadata gambar, log, dsb). Dump XML independen terhadap struktur basisdata, dan dapat diimport ke versi MediaWiki yang lebih baru atau lebih lama.
XML dumps are less likely to cause problems with character encoding, as a means of transferring large amounts of content quickly, and can easily be used by third party tools, which makes XML dumps a good fallback should your main database dump become unusable.
To create an XML dump, use the command-line tool dumpBackup.php
, located in the maintenance
directory of your MediaWiki installation.
See Manual:dumpBackup.php for more details.
You can also create an XML dump for a specific set of pages online, using Special:Export, although attempting to dump large quantities of pages through this interface will usually time out.
To import an XML dump into a wiki, use the command-line tool importDump.php
For a small set of pages, you can also use the Special:Import page via your browser (by default, this is restricted to the sysop group).
See Manual:Importing XML dumps for more information.
Without shell access to the server
See m:Data dumps about Wikimedia database dumps.
If you have no server shell access, use Save the Web Project's WikiTeam3 Python 3 script, (full instructions are at that link).
in filenames, some files may not be downloaded, please check the errors.log file.Example usage
- --curonly dumps only the latest revision of pages
- --xml exports an XML dump, uses Special:Export by default when no other xmldump method is specified.
- --xmlrevisions uses API:Allrevisions (MediaWiki 1.27+) xmldump method. Recommended as it's quicker and puts almost no pressure on the MediaWiki backend compared to Special:Export.
- --images generates an image dump
- --force generates a dump even if there is one already at Internet Archive
- Public wikis
wikiteam3dumpgenerator <WIKI_URL> --xml --xmlrevisions
- Private wikis
- To dump a private wiki you will have to use a login that has at least read permission on the wiki.
wikiteam3dumpgenerator <WIKI_URL> --xml --xmlrevisions --force --user <USER> --pass <PASSWORD>
- If that doesn't work. Login with a web browser, save the site cookies in Netscape format to cookies.txt, and add option
--cookies cookies.txt
With server shell access
- Unofficial backup script oleh Flominator; membackup semua berkas berikut basisdata dengan opsi rotasi backup. Shell script - last updated 2012.
- Another backup script that: dumps DB, files (just pictures by default, option to include all files in installation), and XML; puts the site into read-only mode; timestamps backups; and reads the charset from LocalSettings.
Script does not need to be modified for each site to be backed up. Does not (yet) rotate old backups. Usage: -d backup/directory -w installation/directory
. Also provides a script to restore a backup -a backup/directory/dated_archive.tar.gz -w installation/directory
. Shell script - last updated 2013.
- User:Darizotas/MediaWiki Backup Script for Windows - a script for backing up a Windows MediaWiki install. Note: Has no restore feature.
Shell script - last updated 2015.
- Unofficial backup script oleh User:Duesentrieb Shell script - last updated 2016.
- Script to make periodical backups mw_backup. This script will make daily, weekly and monthly backups of your database and images directory when run as a daily cron job.
PHP script - last updated 2017.
- Another unofficial MediaWiki backup script for Windows by Lanthanis that: exports the pages of specified namespaces as an XML file; dumps specified database tables; and adds further specified folders and files to a ZIP backup file.
Can be used with Windows task scheduler. Last updated 2019.
Without server shell access
For example your wiki is in a wikifarm , using the MediaWiki API .
- WikiTeam's dumpgenerator Python 2 script can generate an XML dump and an image dump - last updated 2023.
- Mediawiki Client Tools' MediaWiki Dump Generator dumpgenerator Python 3 script can generate an XML dump and an image dump - last updated 2023.
- See above: Save the Web Project's WikiTeam3 wikiteam3dumpgenerator Python 3 script can generate an XML dump and an image dump - actively maintained in 2024.
- Extension:DumpsOnDemand – Allows users to generate and download database dumps
- Extension:DataDump – Allows users to generate and download XML and file/image dumps
Lihat pula
- Help:Export is a quick and easy way to save all pages on your wiki.
- Manual:Restoring a wiki from backup
- Manual:Moving a wiki
- Manual:Memuktahirkan
- Manual:Restoring wiki code from cached HTML — if you don't have a successful backup
- Exporting all the files of a wiki