
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:$wgDebugLogGroups and the translation is 22% complete.
Debug: $wgDebugLogGroups
Direct wfDebugLog() output for certain groups to files other than $wgDebugLogFile .
Eingeführt in Version:1.5.0 (r10598)
Entfernt in Version:Weiterhin vorhanden
Erlaubte Werte:(array of log group keys to filenames)


Set to an array of log group keys to filenames. If set, wfDebugLog() output for that group will go to that file instead of the regular $wgDebugLogFile . Useful for enabling selective logging in production.

If a group is configured in $wgDebugLogGroups, then all debug messages with the according group key will be logged to that file, also if $wgDebugLogFile is not set! With other words: If a group key is configured in $wgDebugLogGroups, messages will be written, even if an empty value of $wgDebugLogFile generally disables debugging.

Log destinations may be one of the following:

  • false to completely remove from the output, including from $wgDebugLogFile.
  • string values specifying a filename or URI.
  • associative array with keys:
    • destination - desired filename or URI.
    • sample - an integer value, specifying a sampling factor (optional)
    • level - A \Psr\Log\LogLevel constant, indicating the minimum log level (optional, since 1.25)

When $wgMWLoggerDefaultSpi is set to a non-default value, $wgDebugLogGroups will probably be ignored, and the method of configuring log files will be determined by whatever logging system is invoked by $wgMWLoggerDefaultSpi.


This example logs debug messages of group "ConfirmEditExtension" to "debug-ext_confirmedit.log" and those of group "SpamRegex" to "debug-spam.log".

$wgDebugLogGroups = [
	'ConfirmEditExtension'	=> $IP . '/../../home/debug-ext_confirmedit.log',
	'SpamRegex'		=> $IP . '/../../home/debug-spam.log',


$wgDebugLogGroups['redis'] = '/var/log/mediawiki/redis.log';

Fortgeschrittenes Beispiel:

 $wgDebugLogGroups['memcached'] = [
     'destination' => '/var/log/mediawiki/memcached.log',
     'sample' => 1000,  // log 1 message out of every 1,000.
     'level' => \Psr\Log\LogLevel::WARNING,
 $wgDebugLogGroups['redis'] = [
     'destination' => '/var/log/mediawiki/redis.log',
     // Level can also be the literal string value of any Psr\Log\LogLevel constant
     'level' => 'info',
Multiple log groups in a single file
You might want to setup a temporary configuration like the following to see all authentication related logging to trouble-shoot authentication.
$wgDebugLogGroups['cookie'] =
	$wgDebugLogGroups['session'] =
	$wgDebugLogGroups['SimpleSAMLphp'] =
	$wgDebugLogGroups['PluggableAuth'] = "$IP/cache/PluggableAuth.log";

Some common debug log groups

  • exception, error, fatal - Fehler
  • deprecated - deprecation warnings
  • objectcache, caches, memcached/SQLBagOStuff - cache
  • rdbms - Datenbank (including, if $wgDebugDumpSql is set, all DB queries)
  • cookie - response cookies
  • exec - shell commands
  • session - SessionManager
  • authentication, login - AuthManager
  • ratelimit, throttler - hitting rate limits ($wgRateLimits and other)
  • resourceloader, ResourceLoaderImage - ResourceLoader
  • http, HttpError - HTTP requests to external services (via the Http/MwHttpRequest classes)
  • api - API
  • thumbnail, fileupload, fileconcatenate - image-related
  • runJobs - Jobwarteschlange
  • parser, ParserCache - Parser
  • slow-parse - warnings about pages that take long to parse