
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:$wgConditionalUserOptions and the translation is 57% complete.
用户账户、身份验证: $wgConditionalUserOptions
引进版本:1.42.0 (Gerrit change 978537; git #6c8b6960)

条件用户设置是一项允许基于用户、有条件地定义用户选项 默认值的功能。 例如,为所有在某一日期之后注册的用户默认启用某一参数设置,同时为在该日期之前注册的用户默认禁用该特性。 当只应为新注册用户启用给定功能时,这非常有用。


$wgConditionalUserOptions是参数设置到条件默认描述符列表的映射。 Each descriptor is an array of conditional cases taking the form of [ VALUE, CONDITION1, CONDITION2, ... ], where VALUE is the default value for users meeting the conditions and each condition is either:

  1. a CUDCOND_* constant (representing a condition that takes no arguments)
  2. an array taking the form of [ CUDCOND_*, arg1, arg2, ... ], where the first index defines the condition and the rest of the fields are the condition's arguments

Conditional cases are processed in the definition order; the first case with all of its conditions satisfied is used. When multiple conditions are specified, all of them must be met for the case to be used. When no case matches its conditions (or when none is defined), then $wgDefaultUserOptions is used instead.

A VALUE of null means no conditional default (i.e. the default option from $wgDefaultUserOptions should be used for users matching that set of conditions).

$wgConditionalUserOptions['user-option'] = [
        'registered after 2023',
            CUDCOND_AFTER, '20240101000000'


  • CUDCOND_AFTER(1个字符串参数):在特定时间点之后注册的用户
  • CUDCOND_ANON (no argument): user not registered
  • CUDCOND_NAMED (no argument): normal non-temporary registered users
  • CUDCOND_USERGROUP: users with a specific user group
