This page is a translated version of the page Help:Notifications/Thanks and the translation is 38% complete.
PD 注意:當您編輯本頁面時,即同意以CC0協議授權您的貢獻。您可以在公有領域帮助页面找到更多信息。 PD

Thanks通知提供了一种在维基上给予积极反馈的方法。 此功能的目的是提供快速积极的反馈,以识别有建设性的贡献。 此功能允许编辑者通过在历史页面或差异页面上使用小的“感谢”链接向进行有建设性编辑的用户发送“谢谢”通知。


为了便于表达对彼此工作的欣赏,就像表达不同意见或不赞成一样容易。 有时你没有时间写个人留言,但仍想表达你的感激之情。 Thanks就是对一个编辑说“谢谢”的快速方式。

很容易对不良编辑做出反应。 All you do is hit "撤销" (or "回退" etc. if you can) on an article history page. 这是一件好事,因为它可以防止wiki被覆盖。

但是,如果您认为一个编辑“好”,在实施Thanks之前,您无法快速做到这一点。 我们告诉别人他们做得很好的唯一方法就是去他们的用户讨论页面发布消息。 This takes some effort, and doesn't really work for 'small' contributions – a set of typo fixes is most welcome, but maybe not worth a barnstar. With Thanks, there is a quicker way.



This feature, which we're just calling "扩展:感谢 ", makes it easy for you to express your gratitude, using the notifications tool . It's a simple way to thank another editor for a revision, when viewing it in history or diff view, as shown below:


To thank other users or see the thanks you have received, you must be a registered user and be logged in.


A diff view on Wikidata showing the thank button.


To thank another user, go to the "查看历史 " tab of any page. Next to each revision will be a "感谢" link (next to "撤销"). This link has a title that reads "发送感谢通知给该用户". This link is also available in the diff view, and below comments on Structured Discussions (formerly known as “Flow”) boards if 扩展:结构式讨论 is installed. Click the link to send thanks to that user.


A diff view on Wikidata showing the confirmation message after pressing the original thank button.

When the thank link is clicked, you will be asked to confirm Yes or no. The page will return to its previous state if no is clicked.

If yes is clicked, the recipient will receive a notification.

A diff view on Wikidata after having thanked the editor who had made that change.

Thanks Notification


The recipient will receive a notification.

The notification will include the following information.

  • Primary information: Who thanked the recipient, where, and about what.

Linked to the diff or to the message on Structured Discussions that the recipient is thanked for.

  • Details: a link to your user page , a text snippet from the edit (or its summary) and if it was on a Structured discussion board to the page.

A record of the action is also recorded as a log entry at Special:Log/thanks.

Thanks notification for an edit on a page.


这是通知系统 的一部分。 除非您已关闭感谢通知,否则您会收到所有感谢您的通知。

感谢 通知




  • 主要信息:谁感谢你,在哪里,以及关于什么。 Linked to the diff or to the message on Structured Discussions that you are thanked for.
  • Details: link to the user who thanked you, a text snippet from your edit (or its summary) and if it was on a Structured discussion board to the page.


  • 为了防止滥用,你不能在一分钟内感谢十人以上。
  • 您只能感谢其他注册用户;不能感谢IP用户或自动机器人的编辑。
  • 您不能感谢您自己。


The Thanks feature should be used as a simple, personal message of gratitude, rather than a public endorsement of edits. Thanks messages are noted in Special:Log/thanks, so it's possible to monitor the volume of Thanks being given out. It's not possible to use this feature directly from user's 监视列表 or 最近更改 page. They are only in page histories and edit-diff pages.

The Thanks feature is best used to encourage good work rather than bad work. You do not (and should not) Thank someone for thanking you as these messages should be reserved as small acknowledgments, especially towards new editors to encourage more participation.


To see every thanks you have received, visit the Thanks log. Type in "User:" followed by your user name in the "Target" field, then hit enter. Now the log shows only the thanks that were given to your edits. You will only be able to see who thanked you, and when. The log does not record what edit of yours that triggered each thank you. To find that out, you're better off browsing your Notification archive: Special:Notifications. The notification for each thanks (as opposed to the thanks log itself) does preserve the edit for which you were thanked; clicking a notification for a thanks takes you directly to the diff of the edit you made that somebody thanked you for.

How do I see the thanks I've given out

You need to visit the Thanks log, and filter it on your own user name. (Visit the log and type in your own user name under "Performer", then hit enter. Now the log shows only the thanks you have given out).

You will only be able to see who you thanked, and when. The log does not record the specific edits, and you cannot access other editors' notifications.


How to enable or disable the thank feature in the user preferences

To stop getting Thanks notifications, you can opt out from them in your preferences.

  1. Click on "参数设置" in the top right.
  1. In the 参数设置 menu, click on "通知".
  1. Uncheck "感谢" from "通知我这些事件" in both "网页" and "电子邮件".

For tips on how to use the Notifications tool, see 通知 .
