Help:New pages/lv

This page is a translated version of the page Help:New pages and the translation is 30% complete.
PD Piezīme: Labojot šo lapu, tu piekrīti savu devumu licencēt saskaņā ar CC0 licenci. Papildu informācijai skatīt sabiedrības īpašumā nodotās palīdzības lapas. PD

New pages is a special page that lists recently created pages in reverse order of creation, with creation date and time, current size, user who created the page, and first edit summary. It also provides links to patrol these new pages when that feature is enabled.

This feature is accessible at Special:NewPages. The page results are not adjustable in the Preferences.

Iespēja filtrēt pēc lietotāja tika pievienota ar izmaiņu T8448.


This special page can be transcluded, with the first unnamed parameter specifying how many entries should be displayed.


Additional parameters may be used in a comma separated list such as:

parametrs vērtības tips apraksts
limit integer Number of entries to display
offset date Date to begin the list of entries
namespace string Restrict the results to the named namespace
hideliu Paslēpt pieslēgušos lietotājus
hidepatrolled Only show pages which have not been patrolled.
hidebots Hide Bots
showredirs Rādīt pāradresācijas
shownav Display result navigation links above and beneath the results, i.e.:

"(Jaunākās | Senākās) Skatīt (50 jaunākas | 50 vecākas) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500 vienā lapā)."

username Restrict the results to the named user. (From version 1.14) r45468