Adjuta:Recerca de ligamines

This page is a translated version of the page Help:Linksearch and the translation is 62% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
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Special:LinkSearch es un del pagina special. On pote usar lo pro cercar ligamines externe (ligamines a altere sitos web) in un wiki. Illo monstra un lista de ligamines externe que corresponde al URL specificate, monstrante le pagina fonte e le destination exacte.

Le lista es de tote le ligamines in tote le spatios de nomines. Il non ha un maniera de monstrar ligamines externe solmente in articulos, lo que es sovente del plus grande interesse, como evidentiate per w:Wikipedia:External links. Benque le software MediaWiki offere le capacitate de cercar ligamines solmente in un spatio de nomines specific, iste functionalitate es disactivate sur projectos Wikimedia, debite a problemas de efficientia. Si tu gere tu proprie wiki e tu ha le modo avar disactivate, le functionalitate de spatio de nomines essera disponibile.


Le forma del URL pote esser:

Per exemplo: "http://*" (Special:Linksearch/http://*) o "news:*" (Special:Linksearch/news:*)
Isto restitue tote le ligamines que usa le protocollo specificate.
  • un nomine de dominio que comencia con un metacharacter (eventualmente precedite per un schema)
Per exemplo: "*.org" (Special:Linksearch/*.org) o "ftp://*" (Special:Linksearch/ftp://*
Isto restitue tote le ligamines que puncta al dominio specificate e su subdominios. Si non se specifica alcun schema, http:// es usate. Nota que toto post le nomine de dominio es ignorate in le patrono.
Le schema predefinite es, ancora, "http://".

Toto post le adresse IP in le patrono de consulta es ignorate. Le metacharacteres in adresses IPv6 non es supportate actualmente.

  • un URL complete sin metacharacter
Tote le ligamines comenciante con le patrono specificate essera restituite.


  • Mesmo si plure URLs conduce al mesme destination, con reguardo al majusculas, al uso de plure tractos de sublineamento, e a si se usa "index.php" o non, Linksearch es sensibile al majusculas post le barra (/) que separa le parte del hospite o dominio de un nomine de dominio del resto del URL.

Le parte del nomine de dominio non es sensibile al majusculas. Isto vole dicer que un recerca de restitue le mesme resultatos que un recerca de http://www.MEDIAWIKI.ORG/.

  • Linksearch non trova URLs scribite de maniera alternative. Dunque, quando se crea un ligamine externe, pro un uso optimal de Linksearch, es consiliate usar un forma canonic del URL. In particular, si, post sequer un ligamine, le barra de adresse monstra un URL modificate, cambia le URL in le ligamine a illo.
  • Le lista es in ordine alphabetic de URL. Nota que un tracto de sublineamento, contrarimente a un spatio blanc, es alphabeticamente positionate inter "Z" e "a".
  • Le credentiales de usator in le patrono de recerca e le ligamines externe es ignorate pro http://, https://, ftp://, etc.

Linksearch e sectiones

Pro ligamines in stilo de ligamine externe, Linksearch forni retroligamines de sectiones, lo que "Special:Whatlinkshere" non face pro ligamines in stilo de ligamine interne. Pro le ligamines in stilo de ligamine interwiki, le retroligamines non es possibile.

De altere parte, ligamines in stilo de ligamine interne forni detection de existentia. In ultra, cata un del tres stilos pote haber un aspecto differente, dependente de CSS.

Ergo, es utile combinar le avantages de varie stilos de ligamine addente "ligamines externe celate" a ligamines de section interne e a tote le ligamines interwiki, excepte illos pro le quales le functionalitate de ligamine inter-lingual se applica. Isto se face addente <span style="display:none">http://...</span>; isto pote esser facite commodemente con un patrono, vide infra. Ben que necun ligamine real es addite (lo que esserea superflue perque nos ja ha un ligamine interne o interwiki), illo es registrate como ligamine externe, dunque, Linksearch pote trovar lo.

Post que Linksearch permitte specificar le prime parte de un ancora, es utile, si le nomines de ancora es numeric o ha un fin numeric, usar zeros initial. Si non, quando se cerca ligamines a p.ex. "1", le resultatos include tamben ligamines a "10", etc. Isto se applica p.ex. in w:Portal:Current events/DateHeader2. More generally, if there are anchors "a" and "ab", it may or may not be desired that a search for links to "a" also gives links to "ab"; if not, use an anchor "_a".

Also, if anchor names have multiple components, it is useful to put the most significant component first, e.g. if anchors indicate months or dates, we could have the format YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD, or in a year page MM-DD (see also Big endian forms, starting with the year), with leading zeros (see also Link to date content other than required for autoformatting). This applies also for page names, but since these are highly visible, as opposed to anchors, other considerations play a role too. In the case of sections, if for link targets another naming scheme is desired than for display of section headers, anchorscan be put explicitly instead of using section names. This is applied in w:Portal:Current events/DateHeader2, where the use in links of the names of explicitly put anchors is enforced by using pseudo sections, with displayed headers that cannot be used as anchors.

In the case of multiple sections with the same name, the HTML produced has a HTML ID that is the section name, with, from the second occurrence, "_2", "_3", etc. appended. This does not apply when other anchors are used.

For new links to the same wiki the feature has been abolished in 2009, see r53104.

Consider this link:

Try whether it is found:

If you want to find all mailto: links to a specific mail host, you can omit the user part and @ sign. For example Special:LinkSearch/

Machine/programmatic access via API

See also