Help:Extension:Translate/Group configuration/es
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- Control de calidad
- Estados de grupos de mensajes
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Administradores de traducción
- Cómo preparar una página para traducción
- Administración de traducción de páginas
- Traducción de elementos desestructurados
- Administración de grupos
- Mover página traducible
- Import translations via CSV
- Working with message bundles
Administradores de sistemas y desarrolladores
There are many ways of adding message groups to Translate extension. Message groups are collection of messages. Usually they compare to one module in a software and one file (and usually one per language for translations). It is also possible to make groups that include messages from other message groups. For example there can be group that includes all messages in a given software. Groups can also include just subsets of messages, like the most important messages of MediaWiki that should be translated first. These higher level groups do not map directly to files in any particular format, but like all groups they can be exported in Gettext format for use in other translation tools.
Message groups are the high level blocks that translators interact with: to choose a message to work on they first need to select a group, unless they are using translation search. For each group we can gather statistics and each group has a unique identifier. Naturally, messages are the smallest blocks of text that translators translate one at a time. Each message also has an identifier, which is usually called a key. The key doesn't need to be unique across message groups.
Standard group configuration format
It is easy to add message groups using the YAML format.
All you need to do is to define a namespace and add a configuration file to $wgTranslateGroupFiles
; see the configuration page for more details.
wfAddNamespace( 1218, 'FUDforum' );
$wgTranslateGroupFiles[] = "$IP/messagegroups/FUDforum/FUDforum.yml";
The file itself uses the YAML syntax. The syntax itself is not described here, but it is easy to learn, and all the premade groups can be used as examples. Remember to use spaces instead of tabs for indentation. Each file can define multiple message groups. Each group definition is separated by a line with three dashes, which is the standard document separator in YAML.
Definitions are broken into few top-level items: BASIC, FILES, MANGLER, VALIDATORS, INSERTABLES, TAGS, AUTOLOAD, LANGUAGES and special TEMPLATE. Some custom groups may add more top-level items. Not all groups need to define all of them.
This section contains basic information about the group, like unique id and name. List of possible keys (mandatory keys are marked with *):
Key | Description |
namespace* | El identificador del espacio de nombres, la constante o la cadena donde se almacenan los mensajes. El espacio de nombres debe añadirse previamente. Ver el ejemplo encima. |
icon | Icon for the message group. Can support any file that MediaWiki can handle and that is uploaded to MediaWiki. Also supports files from shared media repositories. |
id* | Unique id that identifies this message group. |
label* | Human readable name of this message group. |
description | Description of this message group. Full wiki syntax is used. |
class* | The type of this message group - usually FileBasedMessageGroup or AggregateMessageGroup .
meta | Usos múltiples. Si hay claves de mensaje idénticas para diferentes grupos de mensajes (normalmente en el caso de grupos de mensajes de rama o subconjunto), sólo un grupo puede ser primario y los otros grupos deben tener meta con valor de yes .
sourcelanguage | Language code of the source language. Defaults to en (English). |
codeBrowser | Solo usado en GettextFFS. Patrón de URL de un visor en línea para el/los archivo(s) del repositorio, donde %FILE% y %LINE% serán reemplazados por la ruta del archivo relevante y la línea - como se indica en los comentarios de los archivos PO para un mensaje - para dar a los traductores un enlace informativo dentro de las ayudas a la traducción para ese mensaje. Ejemplo:
support | Configures where the "Ask help" button will redirect the translator. You must specify either url or page and optionally params to configure the URL parameters. In parameters you can use %MESSAGE% as a placeholder for the name of the message.
id: out-freecol
label: FreeCol
icon: wiki://Freecol.png
description: "{{int:bw-desc-freecol}}"
namespace: NS_FREECOL
class: FileBasedMessageGroup
title: "Translation issue with message %MESSAGE%"
body: "[**URL**]("
This section describes the filesystem layout and format of message files for groups of type FileBasedMessageGroup. List of possible keys (mandatory keys are marked with *):
Key | Description |
class* | Clase que define el formato del los archivos de mensaje. Examples: YamlFFS, JavaFFS, FlatPhpFFS, .... |
codeMap | List of language codes that differ from the ones used in MediaWiki. Use the MediaWiki language code as key and the target language code as the value. |
sourcePattern* | Where to find message files. Path variables are supported. |
targetPattern | Cómo el exportó los archivos están nombrados relativos de exportar directorio. variables de Camino se mantiene. |
definitionFile | Uso esto para definir la ubicación del archivo de definición (con los mensajes de fuente ingleses) si no adhiere al sourcePattern. Path variables son soportados. |
AppleFFS, AppleInfoPlistFfs | |
header | Custom file header comment. |
FlatPhpFFS | Class specific keys |
header | Custom file header. If not given, it defaults to <?php
GettextFFS | Class specific keys |
CtxtAsKey | Special mode where ctxt is used as message key. Should not be used for normal Gettext files. |
header | Custom file header comment. |
keyAlgorithm | Allowed values: legacy and simple. Default: simple. Simple provides shorter message keys. |
JavaFFS | Class specific keys |
header | Custom file header comment. |
keySeparator | The character separating key and value. Default is = . Can also be : .
JsonFFS | Class specific keys |
nestingSeparator | The character separating levels when nested objects are flattened intro one key string. By default flattening is not done. Example: { "top": { "nested": "content" } } is converted to (assuming / as separator) message with key top/nested and value content .
includeMetadata | Whether to include the @metadata key with author information in the exported files. Defaults to true. |
parseCLDRPlurals | Whether to parse CLDR plural keywords. Defaults to false. |
YamlFFS | Class specific keys |
codeAsRoot | If set to 1 , all messages are under a language code (instead of at the root).
nestingSeparator | The character separating levels when nested objects are flattened intro one key string. Default value is . . Example: top: { nested: content } is converted to (assuming . as separator) message with key top.nested and value content .
parseCLDRPlurals | Whether to parse CLDR plural keywords. Defaults to false. |
The path variables are:
Variable | Description |
%CODE% | Language code (affected by codeMap) |
%MWROOT% | Path to MediaWiki installation |
%GROUPROOT% | Defined by $wgTranslateGroupRoot. |
%GROUPID% | Message group id |
class: JavaFFS
sourcePattern: %GROUPROOT%/commonist/
targetPattern: commonist/
Mangler is a way to mungle message keys to avoid conflicting message keys in multiple groups:
Key | Description |
class* | Which type of mangler to use. Example: StringMatcher |
StringMatcher | Class specific keys |
patterns* | List of patterns. "*" can be used as a wildcard. |
prefix* | If the above patterns match a message, the message key will be prefixed with this prefix. |
class: StringMatcher
- "*"
This section allows to define pre-defined or custom validators.
# pre-definido validador
- id: InsertableRegex
enforce: true
insertable: true
params: /\$[a-z0-9]+/
# Hecho de encargo validator
- class: MyCustomValidator
enforce: true
MyCustomValidator: Validator.php
This section allows to define a class which suggests insertables or use pre-defined insertables. The classes can be autoloaded as described in the AUTOLOAD section.
# insertable pre-definido
- class: HtmlTagInsertablesSuggester
# Hecho de encargo insertable
- class: FreeColInsertablesSuggester
FreeColInsertablesSuggester: Insertable.php
It is possible to assign tags to messages. Each tag takes list of message keys (after mangling). *
can be used as wildcard. The following tags are supported:
Key | Description |
optional | These messages are not shown by default, and they do not count as untranslated messages when calculating translation percentages. |
ignored | These messages are not shown at all. |
- lang_locale
- lang_dir
- charset
This item takes list of class names with filenames as values. This way custom classes can be bundled easily with your custom message groups. The path should be relative to the location of the group configuration file itself.
ShapadoMessageChecker: Checker.php
There is a handy shortcut if you are defining multiple similar message groups. To avoid repetition, have the first definition start with this key. You can use any other top-level keys as subkeys for this item. All other groups will use these definitions as default values. Each group can of course override the default value from the template.
namespace: NS_SHAPADO
class: FileBasedMessageGroup
description: "{{int:bw-desc-shapado}}"
class: YamlFFS
codeAsRoot: 1
be-tarask: be-TARASK
GROUPS (for AggregateMessageGroup class)
This key only takes list of group ids this message group consists of.
- out-shapado-ads
- out-shapado-announcements
- out-shapado-answers
- out-shapado-badges
Wildcards are supported. In this case the aggregate group will not recursively include itself even if it matches a pattern. Ejemplo:
- out-shapado-*
Wildcards can be problematic if you have nested aggregate groups, because some groups can be included multiple times: both directly and via the included aggregate groups.
This key makes it possible to allow and disallow translation into specific languages for the group. Translation into disallowed languages will be blocked.
- en
- he
- or
- en
- he
- or
Allowed ("include") entries override any values in the disallowed ("exclude") list. If an allowed entry is *
that means all languages are allowed. The allowed list is also optional.
Message groups for interface messages specific to your wiki
Example of message group for custom user interface of the wiki, for example for localized sidebar.
Add the following code into your LocalSetting.php
and replace wikiname with something meaningful.
$wgHooks['TranslatePostInitGroups'][] = function ( &$list, &$deps, &$autoload ) {
$id = 'wiki-custom';
$mg = new WikiMessageGroup( $id, 'wikiname-messages' );
$mg->setLabel( 'Wikiname User Interface Messages' );
$mg->setDescription( 'This group contains user interface messages used on Wikiname.' );
$list[$id] = $mg;