
This page is a translated version of the page Help:Extension:Kartographer/OSM and the translation is 21% complete.

Was hat der Kartographer mit OpenStreetMap zu tun?

Kartographer ist eine MediaWiki Erweiterung, die es Wikitext Autoren erlaubt, eine Landkarte in eine Wikipedia-Seite einzubetten. Der Kartenserver der Wikimedia nutzt zu deren Erzeugung die freien Geodaten von OpenStreetMap.

Wie diese Geodaten in der Karte grafisch erscheinen, bezeichnet man als Stil. Dieser bestimmt auch, welche der Daten in der Karte erscheinen. Beispielsweise wird die in den Daten vorhandene Höchstgeschwindigkeit auf Straßen nicht dargestellt. Der spezifische Stil der Wikimedia Karten basiert auf demjenigen, der bei OpenStreetMap OSM Bright genannt wird.

Kartographer erlaubt es den Autoren, auf dieser Basiskarte punktuelle Marker zu setzen sowie Linien und Flächen hervorzuheben. Letztere können aus verschiedenen Quellen, falls vorhanden vorzugsweise aus OpenStreetMap stammen. Zur Identifikation eines darzustellenden Objektes werden diesem auf OpenStreetMap Wikidata Informationen hinzugefügt.

Solltest Du Korrekturen an der Karte durchführen wollen, solltest Du diese bei OpenStreetMap durchführen oder dort zu dem darzustellenden Objekt eine Wikidata ID hinzufügen. Beachte, dass OpenStreetMap in der Regel nur existierende und somit keine historischen Objekte in seinen Karten akzeptiert. Diese Daten müssen auf andere Weise bereit gestellt werden. Bis die Änderungen auf OpenStreetMap von Wikimedia erfasst werden, kann es bis zu einem Tag dauern. Bis dahin werden in den Wikimedia Karten die veralteten Dinge angezeigt. Because of this it can sometimes take quite a while before a change in OpenStreetMap is reflected in Wikimedia.

Wie man Objekte von OpenStreetMap verwendet

Du kannst Flächenobjekte (Polygone) wie Staaten und Parks sowie Linienobjekte wie Straßen direkt bei OpenStreetMap in die Karte einzeichnen. Damit das OpenStreetMap-Objekt in der Wikimedia Karte angezeigt werden kann, muss es mit einer Wikidata ID versehen werden. Wikipedia-Karten unterstützen Punkte (Knoten) noch nicht.

Bryant Park, New York

Um beispielsweise die Fläche des Bryant Park in New York hervorzuheben, muss dessen Wikidata-ID ermittelt werden. Dazu klicke im zugehörigen Wikipedia Artikel Bryant Park auf "Wikidata-Datenobjekt" in der Leiste auf linken Seite. In den seltenen Fällen, in denen ein Wikidata Objekt noch fehlt, kannst Du dieses erzeugen und im Wikipedia Artikel hinzufügen.

Wenn eine Wikidata ID existiert, (falls nicht, siehe unten) kann man mit „geoline“ Linien und mit „geoshape“ Flächen (Polygone) hervorheben. Mit „geomask“ werden nicht benötigte Bestandteile des OpenStreetMap Objektes ausgeblendet.

<mapframe text="Bryant Park, New York" width="300" height="300" latitude="40.75333" longitude="-73.9827" zoom="15">
  "type": "ExternalData",
  "service": "geoshape",
  "ids": "Q995174",
  "properties": {
    "title": "Bryant Park",
    "description": "[[File:2011-NYC-Bryant-Park-Library.JPG|300px]]",
    "stroke": "#125123",
    "stroke-width": 3,
    "fill": "#2aaf4d"

Wie man eine Wikidata ID in OpenStreetMap (OSM) hinzufügt.

Falls Du keinen Account hast, klicke "Anmelden" in der rechten oberen Ecke und dann unten auf das Wikipedia Icon. Das erlaubt es OSM, Deinen Wikipedia Account zu nutzen. Tippe den Namen des fraglichen Objektes in das "Suchen"-Feld links oben und klicke auf das Lupen-Symbol rechts daneben.

  • Wenn das gewünschte Flächen- oder Linienobjekt mit einer orangefarbenen Linie markiert ist, prüfe auf der linken Seite, ob die Tags "wikipedia" und/oder "wikidata" vorhanden sind. Wenn beide vorhanden sind, brauchst Du nichts mehr zu tun.

Ansonsten zoome so weit wie möglich auf einen Punkt der orangen Linie. Klicke oben auf den "Bearbeiten"-Button. Achte darauf, nirgendwo in die Karte zu klicken.

  • Auf der linken Seite sollte nun das Feld "Bearbeite Objekt" angezeigt werden. Scrolle nach unten bis zu der Abteilung "Eigenschaften".
  • Wenn es in der Aufzählung der Eigenschaften keine Wikipedia- und keine Wikidata-Tags gibt, klicke auf das "+" Zeichen darunter. und tippe auf der linken Seite des aufpoppenden Feldes "wikipedia" ein. Wähle die Sprache und copy/paste den Artikelnamen in das rechte Feld. Dadurch sollte automatisch auch das Wikidata-Tag erzeugt werden.

Falls nicht, musst Du das "wikidata"-Tag händisch hinzufügen. Klicke auf den Button mit dem Hochladen-Symbol rechts oben und beschreibe, was Du geändert hast. Die Änderungen sollten sich in der Wikipedia/Wikimedia Karte spätestens nach einem Tag zeigen. (Wir arbeiten daran, es schneller zu machen.)

How to get a single object from multiple lines

Often, a group of lines correspond to a single item – such as a road that is made up of multiple ways. Each "wikidata" tag should have a unique value, so therefore the individual lines need to be grouped into a single object. The following instructions assume you want to create (or find) a single object for a road, but should work (with minor variations) for other types of lines.


A node is a single point on the map
A way is a line that connects two or more nodes
A relation is a group of ways which make up a route


Currently, only relations with type=multipolygon, type=route, type=boundary, type=waterway will display on maps.

Process overview

  • In OSM, find or create a relation that covers the entire road
  • Add a Wikidata item ID (Q-number) to using the wikidata tag (if not already present)
  • Wait 1 or 2 days for the database to be processed

Process details

  1. Go to osm.org
  1. Move the map so you can see the road you want, and enter the road name into search box
  1. Results (ways) will come up in a pane of the left of the screen.

Find a way which is part of the road you want, and click it. The pane will then load details for the selected way, and it will be highlighted on the map.

  1. Scroll down the pane to the bottom, and look at the section "Part of".

If there are any relations listed there, click on them to check if they cover the whole road. If you find one you want, good; otherwise you will need to create one (see 'Create a new relation' below)

  1. Click "edit" button at the top.

Be careful not to click anything in the map. The left side of the screen should now show "Edit feature" box.
Scroll down to "Add field:" box, which is right above the "All tags (..)".

    • If there was no wikipedia and no wikidata tags, click "add field" box and select Wikipedia.

Select the language and copy/paste the article name. This will automatically add the Wikidata tag as well (you can check them in the "all tags" section).

    • If there was a wikipedia tag, but no wikidata, you can either delete and re-add the wikipedia box, and simply add the "wikidata" tag by hand in the "all tags" section.
  1. Click Save, and enter a good change description.

The data should be available to Wikipedia in about 1 day.

Create a new relation

If there is no existing relation for the road you want, you'll have to create a new one. There are multiple ways do this: Potlatch 2 editor is good for shorter roads, JOSM editor is better for longer roads. Instructions for the iD online editor, see https://community.openstreetmap.org/t/succinct-steps-to-add-a-relation-in-id-editor/87669

Using Potlatch

  1. Zoom in to the area around the road, then click the dropdown arrow next to "Edit", select "Edit with Potlatch 2"
  1. Once Potlatch has loaded data onto the screen, use Ctrl+click to select the first way (road segment).

It will show up highlighted on the map. Continue to Ctrl+click additional ways until the whole road is highlighted.

  1. In the pane on the left, there is a table down the bottom listing any existing relations for the ways that have been selected.

Below this table, click on "Add to". A window titled "Select relation" will pop-up, down the bottom of this window click the "New relation..." button.

  1. At the bottom of the window, click advanced.

A blank table of Keys and Values is shown – add the following keys/values to the table (click "Add" just under the table)

    • name : name of the road
    • type : route
    • route : road
    • wikidata : Q-number (the wikidata ID)
  1. Close the "Edit relation" pop-up window, and save the edit.

You can go back to https://www.openstreetmap.org and repeat Step 1 to verify the new relation you just created.

Using JOSM

  1. Make sure your account has an OSM password associated with it: login with Wikipedia account, then go to your profile (click your name box in the top-right corner of screen), go to Settings, fill in Password and Confirm password fields, scroll down and click Save changes.
  1. Download or launch JOSM from https://josm.openstreetmap.de/
  1. Now, in JOSM, you need to download the ways that make up the road you want. There are two ways to do this (and you can also use a combination of both methods):

Use the method described in 'Process details' above to find any overlapping ways, and note their object id (the number in brackets, also in the url following /relation/ once clicked on)

    • Go to File -> Download object... -> enter object id (or ids), click Download objects
    • Download areas containing the road.

Be aware that the bounding boxes can't be too large, or the OSM server will not allow the download.

    • Go to File -> Download from OSM... -> select area with mouse, click Download.

Repeat if necessary.

  1. Once downloaded, you should see lines representing all the ways along the route (as well as other data if you downloaded areas).

Now you need to select all the ways that make up the road. There are two ways to do this:

    • Search for items to add to or remove from the selection
    • Go to Edit -> Search... -> Enter the name of the road in the search box.

This can be repeated as many times as necessary, if multiple names are used along the route, or non-road items are selected (e.g. buildings along the road) – for the first search select "Replace selection", for subsequent searches, select "Add to selection" or "Remove from selection". Click Start search.

    • Shift+click on items to add them to the selection, or Ctrl+click on items to remove them from the selection.

Multiple items can be added or removed by holding down the click, and drawing a box that completely contains the items.

  1. The selected items will be highlighted on the screen, and will be listed in a box on the right.

Look through this list for items to remove with another search. Also look at the route on the main part of the screen for any missed ways to add with another search.

  1. Once you're happy with the selection, go to Presets -> Relations -> Routes -> Road route.

Enter the road name in the name field, click New relation. A more detailed window will pop up. In the Key/Value table, click into the blank space in the Key column, type "wikidata" (lowercase). In the Value field to the right, type the Wikidata ID (Q-number) for the road. Click Okay button.

  1. Now upload the data to OSM:
    • Go to File -> Upload data.

A warning box may pop up - per the instructions there, "When in doubt ignore them" (or if you know what you are doing, you can fix them); click Continue upload

    • In the next window, check that you're not accidentally deleting things, changing things, or adding anything other than the new relation you just made.

Enter a meaning comment for the changes, for the data source you can specify "OSM data", then click Upload changes.

    • Login with your username and OSM password when requested.
  1. Verify that the new relation has been uploaded (follow the steps in 'Process details' above and the new relation should come up).

Minor changes can be made using Potlatch if required.

Synchronization between OSM and Wikimedia wikis

Kartographer server structure in a nutshell

For performance reasons, Wikimedia wikis are not requesting OSM data live from OSM. Instead, the data from OSM is regularly copied to Wikimedia servers.

  • The map server
    • contains all the logic and delivers the features needed to draw maps: e.g. definition of how Kartographer maps are styled, which parts of OSM data are not shown on Kartographer maps, how data and map features are put together, etc.
    • contains a database with a set of geoshapes and geolines imported from the OSM data that has been linked with Wikidata items.
  • Server copies - The map data is copied to 5 servers, because one server alone would not be able to handle the amount of requests from the wiki pages. When a visitor opens a wiki page with a Kartographer map on it, the data for that map is being fetched from one of these server copies. A load balancer decides which server to pick based on server load and where the request is coming from.

This whole server structure is duplicated on two data centers: eqiad and codfw. This way, there is always a fallback when one data center needs to undergo maintenance, is broken etc.

Process for syncing between OSM and Wikimedia wikis

  • The most current copy of relevant OSM objects worldwide is imported once to the main map servers. What’s considered relevant is pre-configured, so as to not overwhelm the database.
  • This export is copied to all server copies.
  • These big exports are not happening regularly. What happens instead is that Wikimedia servers are fetching diffs from the OSM server every day, containing all the changes that were made since the day before.
  • With these diffs, the data on both Wikimedia data centers, and from there on all server copies, are updated daily.
  • If everything works as it should, the data on Wikimedia servers is in sync with OSM once a day. That means: If you make a change to an OSM map or connect an OSM shape to a Wikidata item, it can take up to one day until the change is visible on Wikimedia wikis.
Problems and their solutions How to find out if there is a synchronization issue
If a diff can not be imported, all the changes from OSM from that day will not be synchronized to the Wikimedia wikis. In this case, maps are out of synch for everyone. This won’t be rectified with the next diff on the next day because any diff only ever contains changes from OSM within the last day.

In the past, diffs were failing at times, so OSM and Wikimedia servers were sometimes inconsistent for several weeks.

  • To solve this issue, teams at the WMF have synchronized OSM and Wikimedia servers anew  (doing a copy from OSM as described above).
  • Furthermore, they worked on to eliminating some issues causing the imports to fail.
Sometimes, data is not copied from the main servers to all server copies. This means that the data between server copies is inconsistent:
  • From a user perspective, one person looks at a map and sees different data on it than another person, depending on which server copy was used to generate the maps.
  • Similarly, people might see different data for the same map, depending on whether they are looking at a static map on the wiki page or the dynamic version in full size view. This is because when you add or edit a Kartographer map, this map is usually rendered and cached (on most wikis). This way, everyone sees the same map when they look at the wiki page, and the page loads faster for everyone. Full size maps, on the other hand, are drawn live every time someone opens the map. Depending on which server is sending the data to your browser, one might see different data on the full size map than on the wiki page with the cached result, and also different data than another person looking at the full size map.
  • To solve these issues, all map servers were reset with the most current data. Also, updates and improvements were rolled out to make sure the synchronization process is more stable.

Synchronization errors can never be fully prevented, and a bit of a latency is considered normal. If you notice a latency bigger than 2 weeks, we encourage you to file a bug report on Phabricator.

Further reading