Front-end standards group/2016-07-27

Attending: Volker E.,Jan Dittrich, Ed S, Jan Drewniak

Social edit

Follow-up edit

New quests edit

  • Jan Dittrich from WMDE will join us occasionally

Action & Code edit

Follow-up edit

[JR didn't participate, therefore postponed till next meeting:]

T27349 ResourceLoader: Support loading of messages in parsed formats (e.g. parsed, incontentlanguage, ..) (JR) edit

T127268 Dismantle ResourceLoader's "targets" system (JR) edit

T137772 Make more obvious to engineers which ResourceLoader modules are deprecated (JR) edit

[/JR wasn't there therefore postponed till next meeting]

New quests edit

T112747 Devise a generic way for theme-agnostic stylesheets to adapt to the current theme edit

stylelint: rule `number-leading-zero` from blacklist in MobileFrontend edit Jon Robson was questioning our stylelint rule adding leading zeroes to decimals (turns out he has since merged the patch though)

Chat excerpt: Ed Sanders 5:17 PM
I think it's just a balance between readability and a few bytes
(on the patch to implement it in MobileFrontend)

Jan Drewniak 5:18 PM
0.1 vs .1?

Volker 5:18 PM
width: 0.5em

Ed Sanders 5:18 PM
Actually he merged it yesterday:
I think the 0 does improve readability

Jan Dittrich 5:19 PM
Stylewise, I prefer 0.5 since . is easily overlooked

Ed Sanders 5:19 PM

Volker 5:19 PM
width: .4em;
width: 0.4em;
> I think whitespace is enough for identifying, but I agree that it might be an issue for people not working

Ed Sanders 5:19 PM
it has leading zeroes enforced - the patch was to remove an exception for that project
Ok - well unless someone comes up with a good reason to change it we can stick with it
it's also pretty easy to autofix either way

Jan Dittrich 5:21 PM
sort of python-esque explicit > implicit

Volker: Reason for the whole conversation is, that ResourceLoader don't substract `0` currently when processing/minifying Less/CSS files
Volker: Ok, seems like a 3-1 against `.5em` non-leading zeros. Absolute majority.

Successes edit

T102114: Cannot handle multiple HTMLForms in single SpecialPage edit

"Resolved"! Volker: Needed for use in Special:Import