Front-end standards group/2016-04-27

Attending: Volker, RobLa, Jan D., James F., Trevor, Roan, Ed

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Action & Code edit

New quests edit How to update JavaScript components Standardize a way to make JS components be able to use different loaders Preference section "Internationalisation" balloons after clicking "More language settings" --> lead to general topic font-size inconsistencies James F.: OOUI change font-size?
What is the biggest hurdles?
Move font-size from bodyContent to <body>; requires updating everything that lives outside bodyContent
Volker: If we set the font-size on <body>, we can use root ems (rem)
per-skin stylesheet
ES: the monobook support at some point. yes - the global overlay is at the end of the DOM
RK: We're doing a weird hack in Echo to multiply out the personal tools font size
RK: Moving the size to body is something, which gets support by other participants?
ES: Content is 14px in Vector, tab labels are 12.8px
RK: Personal tools is 12px
VE: Opening a task about the font-size problem across the board and will bring this up in next meeting to participate again Mediawiki Router (JG)

Follow-up edit