Extension talk:Theme Designer/Flow

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Theme Designer Error

2 (talkcontribs)

Hello, i'm new to having my own "Mediawiki" since i recently bought a Domain+Webserver for hosting my own Wiki page, i tried to install Theme Designer but by going to Special:ThemeDesigner i receive the following error.

"Fatal error: Class ThemeDesignerDummySkin contains 2 abstract methods and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Skin::outputPage, Skin::setupSkinUserCss) in /home/ikovpswi/public_html/wiki/extensions/ThemeDesigner/SpecialThemeDesigner.php on line 13"

Excuse if i currently to have the knowledge to fix this "basic" error. I already search on forums etc and could'nt find the solution or didn't understood it.

Dantman (talkcontribs)

Theme designer was never completed, it's not really expected to work anymore.

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