Extension talk:FreeMind
Could it possible to produce a Mind Map directly
editWhat a nice extension it is. But if we can produce a Mind Map directly by the data in wiki pages like followed, It would be batter. Right?
...Yes! Since FM mindmaps are based on parent<->child relationships you could setup semantics in MW that could be converted to mindmap relationships, as demonstrated by the Graph as Freemind map example here: http://semanticgraph.sourceforge.net/ Calmo 21:33, 19 January 2010 (UTC)
==Subject== *Item 1 *Item 2 **Item 2.1 **Item 2.2 *Item 3 |
|-Item 1 |-Item 2-|-Item 2.1 Subject-| |-Item 2.2 |-Item 3 |
--Roc michael 00:12, 20 September 2007 (UTC)
A bug and a suggestion
editBug: when I return to the page the mind map is displayed on, the cursor grabs hold of the map by the link (like a mother cat and kitten) and won't let go unless I right-click.
Also, could we have the option of setting the target of the link. Actually, that's probably a Free Mind issue, so I'll ask there.
Thanks 05:01, 23 September 2007 (UTC)
Startup error with Tomcat
editI can't seem to make this extention work, and there is very little support over on sourceforge :(
I get the following error from Tomcat on startup: 2007/10/14 09:36:38 org.apache.catalina.startup.TldConfig tldScanJar SEVERE: Exception processing JAR at resource path C:\Program Files\xampp\tomcat\lib\freemindbrowser.jar in context /jsp-examples
Any ideas?
It's not working in my intranet
editI have installed the extension and uploaded a simple example on my local server in my intranet.
- Linux
- lighttpd instead of apache
- MediaWiki: 1.9.3
- PHP: 5.2.3-1+b1 (cgi-fcgi)
- MySQL: 5.0.45-Debian_1-log
- Browser: I have tried firefox and conqueror:
When I open the page with the example from my server, I get:
"Flash plugin or Javascript are turned off. Activate both and reload to view the mindmap"
but they are turned on.
When I am calling some demo-sites in the Internet with freemind-examples I don't have problems.
What can I do?
Best regards Jan
The same happens to me
editWith the Java applet it works, though, but I would like the Flash version to work too. --Eduardo
»Flash plugin or Javascript are turned off. Activate both and reload to view the mindmap«
edit- I've got this error »Flash plugin or Javascript are turned off. Activate both and reload to view the mindmap« with flash player version 10. With Flash Player 9 it worked. --Raul Böhm 19:08, 8 December 2008 (UTC)
- I solved this problem by embedding a swfObject 2 to load the visorFreemind-Flashbrowser. --Raul Böhm 14:01, 9 December 2008 (UTC)
- Download swfObject 2 and copy file »swfobject.js« into <mediawiki>extensions/freemind/
- take this »FreeMind.php« file: (I made some minor changes to solve some problems with »openUrl« parameter and loading java applet on local systems.)
## Freemind mindmap WikiMedia extension
## (C) Dimitry Polivaev 2006
## modified for swfObject 2 by Raul Böhm
$wgExtensionFunctions[] = "wfFreemindExtension";
$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
'name' => 'FreeMind',
'author' => 'Dimitry Polivaev, Raul Böhm',
'description' => 'Insert Freemind Mindmaps into a MediaWiki. Adds <code><mm></code> tag',
'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:FreeMind',
'version' => '0.1'
function wfFreemindExtension()
global $wgParser;
// Defines the tag <mindmap> ... </mindmap>
// The second parameter is the callback function for
// processing the text between the tags
$wgParser->setHook("mm", "renderMindmap");
// The callback function for converting the input text to HTML output
function renderMindmap($input)
// Default parameter values:
$mm_height = "450";
$mm_type = "flash";
$mm_target = "embedded";
if (preg_match('/^\s*\[{2}\s*:\s*(\w.*)\]{2}\s*$/', $input, $matches)) {
$mm_target = "link";
$input = $matches[1];
} else
if (preg_match('/^\s*\[{2}\s*(\w.*)\]{2}\s*$/', $input, $matches)) {
$mm_target = "embedded";
$input = $matches[1];
} else{
return MindmapHelp($input);
$mm_title = "";
$mm_description = "";
$paramVector = explode("|", $input);
$url = $paramVector[0];
$paramNumber = count($paramVector);
for ($i = 1; $i < $paramNumber; $i++) {
$param = trim($paramVector[$i]);
if (preg_match('/^\s*[0-9]+p[xt]$/', $param)) {
$mm_height = $param;
else if (preg_match('/^(\w+)\s+(.*)$/', $param, $pair)) {
if ("title" === $pair[1]) {
$mm_title = $pair[2];
} else if ("parameters" === $pair[1]) {
preg_match_all('/(\\w+?)\\s*=\\s*"(.+?)"/', $pair[2], $match, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($match as $i) $params[$i[1]] = $i[2];
preg_match_all('/(\\w+?)\s*=\s*([^"\s]+?)/', $pair[2], $match, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($match as $i) $params[$i[1]] = $i[2];
} else {
if ($mm_description != "")
$mm_description .= '|';
$mm_description .= $param;
} else {
if ("flash" === $param || "applet" === $param) {
$mm_type = $param;
} elseif ("notitle" === $param) {
$mm_notitle = 1;
} else {
$mm_description .= $param;
if ($mm_description === "") {
$mm_description = $url;
$mm_title = "";
elseif ($mm_title === "") {
$mm_title = $url;
$imageTitle = Title::makeTitleSafe("Image", $url);
if($imageTitle == NULL){
return MindmapNotFoundError($url);
$img = Image::newFromTitle($imageTitle);
if($img->exists() != true){
return MindmapNotFoundError($url);
$url = $img->getViewURL(false);
global $IP, $wgServer, $wgScriptPath, $wgTitle, $wgUrlProtocols, $wgUser;
static $flashContentCounter = 0;
if ($mm_type === "flash") {
$params['initLoadFile'] = $url;
if (! isset($params['openUrl'])) $params['openUrl'] = "_self";
if (! isset($params['startCollapsedToLevel'])) $params['startCollapsedToLevel'] = "5";
if (strcasecmp($mm_target, "embedded") == 0) {
$output = getMindMapFlashOutput($mm_title, $params, $flashContentCounter, $mm_height, "$wgScriptPath/extensions/freemind/");
} else if (strcasecmp($mm_target, "link") == 0) {
$ref = "$wgScriptPath/extensions/freemind/flashwindow.php?";
} else {
$output = MindmapHelp($url);
} else if ($mm_type === "applet") {
$params['browsemode_initial_map'] = "$wgServer$url";
if (isset($params['type'])) unset($params['type']);
if (isset($params['scriptable'])) unset($params['scriptable']);
if (isset($params['modes'])) unset($params['modes']);
if (isset($params['initial_mode'])) unset($params['initial_mode']);
if (strcasecmp($mm_target, "embedded") == 0) {
$output = getMindMapAppletOutput($mm_title, $params, $mm_height, "$wgScriptPath/extensions/freemind/");
} else if (strcasecmp($mm_target, "link") == 0) {
$ref = "$wgScriptPath/extensions/freemind/appletwindow.php?path=$wgScriptPath/extensions/freemind/&";
} else {
$output = MindmapHelp($url);
} else {
$output = MindmapHelp($url);
if (! isset($output) && $mm_target === "link") {
$params['mm_title'] = rawurlencode($mm_title);
foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
$ref .= "$key=$value&";
$ref = substr($ref, 0, -1);
$output .= "<a href=$ref>$mm_description</a>";
// print($output);
if ($mm_target == "embedded")
$output = "$output";
return $output;
function MindmapHelp($input)
return '<div style=\'border: solid red 1px\'>
<p style="text-align:center;"><b>Ebbedded Mind Map Syntax error in </b>: <code><mm>'.$input.'</mm></code></p><br>
<p><b> Syntax: </b>
<blockquote><b><code><mm>[[{name}|{options}|parameters {parameters}]]</mm></code></b><br>
<b><code><mm>[[:{name}|{options}|parameters {parameters}]]</mm></code></b></blockquote>
<b> Examples:</b>
<li><code><mm>[[Hello.mm|applet|150px|title example map]]</mm></code>
<li><code><mm>[[:Hello.mm|flash|title the map in flash|map in flash]]</mm></code>
function MindmapNotFoundError($input)
return '<div style=\'border: solid red 1px\'>
<p style="text-align:center;"><b>Error: Mind Map file <code>'.$input.'</code> not found </b> </p><br>
- Take this »flashwindowFunction.php« file: (It loads the swfObject 2)
## Freemind mindmap WikiMedia extension
## (C) Dimitry Polivaev 2006
## modified for swfObject 2 by Raul Böhm
function getMindMapFlashOutput($mm_title, $parameters, $flashContentCounter, $mm_height, $path) {
## Due to MediaWikis parser it is important
## to be careful with spaces or linebreaks
## in the javascript variable definitions
## build flashvars string
$flashvars = 'var flashvars = {};'."\n\t";
foreach ($parameters as $key => $value)
$flashvars.= 'flashvars.'.$key.'="'. $value.'";'."\n\t";
$flashvars = substr($flashvars, 0, -3);
## build output string
$output = '';
if($mm_title != ""){
<p style="text-align:center"><a href="'.$parameters['initLoadFile'].'">'.$mm_title.'</a></p>';
<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$path.'swfobject.js"></script>'.'
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[';
var params = {};
params.menu = "false";
params.bgcolor = "#FFFFFF";
params.scale = "exactfit";
params.quality = "best";
params.allowfullscreen = "false";
params.salign = "tl";
params.scale = "noscale";
var attributes = {};
swfobject.embedSWF("'.$path.'visorFreemind.swf", "flashcontent'.$flashContentCounter.'", "100%", "'.$mm_height.'", "9.0.0","'.$path.'expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params, attributes);
// ]]>
<div id="flashcontent'.$flashContentCounter.'" style="margin:0px">
<p>This content requires the Adobe Flash Player.</p>
<a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer">
<img src="http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" /></a>
return $output;
- It does not work. I found the problem - you have to check output for wiki tags. These tags (like <pre>, <p> ..) are not supposed to be in <script> which generate errors. I fixed that so you can try it - flashwindowFunction.php:
## Freemind mindmap WikiMedia extension
## (C) Dimitry Polivaev 2006
## modified for swfObject 2 by Raul Böhm
// rev 2 by J.Holasek
function getMindMapFlashOutput($mm_title, $parameters, $flashContentCounter, $mm_height, $path) {
## Due to MediaWikis parser it is important
## to be careful with spaces or linebreaks
## in the javascript variable definitions
## build flashvars string
$flashvars = 'var flashvars = {};'."\n\t";
foreach ($parameters as $key => $value)
$flashvars.= 'flashvars.'.$key.'="'. $value.'";'."\n\t";
$flashvars = substr($flashvars, 0, -3);
## build output string
$output = '';
if($mm_title != ""){
$output='<p style="text-align:center"><a href="'.$parameters['initLoadFile'].'">'.$mm_title.'</a></p>';
$output.='<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$path.'swfobject.js"></script>'.'
<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
var params = {};
params.menu = "false";
params.bgcolor = "#FFFFFF";
params.scale = "exactfit";
params.quality = "best";
params.allowfullscreen = "false";
params.salign = "tl";
params.scale = "noscale";
var attributes = {};
swfobject.embedSWF("'.$path.'visorFreemind.swf", "flashcontent'.$flashContentCounter.'", "100%", "'.$mm_height.'", "9.0.0","'.$path.'expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params, attributes);
// ]]>
<div id="flashcontent'.$flashContentCounter.'" style="margin:0px">
<p>This content requires the Adobe Flash Player.</p>
<a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer">
<img src="http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" /></a>
return $output;
by Jakub Holasek, 2009-03-22.
Java Applet ignores Port
editHi, i have a localserver running on port 4001. Viewing an Mindmap using flash works but if i use the java applet the load of the map fails. File not found.
- Flash uses this path:
- Java this one :
Any Idea?
- I use port 8800 an had to change in FreeMind.php:
$params['browsemode_initial_map'] = "$server$url";
- to this:
$params['browsemode_initial_map'] = "$wgServer$url";
Need to patch MimeMagic.php
editTo upload "*.mm" files is not sufficient to add "mm" to $wgFileExtensions, because you Mediawiki (version 1.12) still fail as «uploadcorrupt» ('The file is corrupt or has an incorrect extension. Please check the file and upload again.')
To fix it (some workaround), need to patch MimeMagic.php
add line
application/xml mm
to definition of constant MM_WELL_KNOWN_MIME_TYPES
$wgExtensionCredits for this thing:
edit$wgExtensionCredits['other'][] = array( //MW 1.12 and above use 'media'
'name' => "FreeMind",
'description' => "Displays [http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page FreeMind] MindMaps as flash or java applet with full navigation.",
//'version' => "",
'author' => "Dimitry Polivaev",
'url' => "http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:FreeMind",
--Flominator 07:45, 22 May 2008 (UTC)
editI found that getting support for this extension as well as the standalone application to be very tough. I have stumbled upon MindMeister which is easier to embed and I have written an extension for it available Extension:MindMeister.
Require_once Error on line 97
editI got an error on line 97 in the require_once:
line 97: require_once("freemind/flashwindowFunction.php"); line 114: require_once("freemind/appletwindowFunction.php");
line 97: require_once("extensions/freemind/flashwindowFunction.php"); line 114: require_once("extensions/freemind/appletwindowFunction.php");
Extension continues to be unstable.
editI've been using this extension for over a year, but suddenly is became unstable, exhibiting the misbehavior noted in previous comments.
I have reinstalled the extension, using the revised code indicated above, and still have had no luck.
The problem may be conflict with some other extension. Its hard to say. In the meantime, unfortunately, I've had to remove it from my wiki.
--C4duser 21:57, 28 June 2009 (UTC)
Works if you get the right files
editI was able to get this to work by poking around on his site a bit... Boiled down, here is what you need to do (I'm using Ubuntu Linux, so season to your tastes):
cd <mediawiki dir>/extensions wget http://evamoraga.net/efectokiwano//mm/freeMindFlashBrowser.zip wget http://freemind.sourceforge.net/dimitry_mediawiki_freemind_extension/MediawikiExtension.zip unzip MediawikiExtension.zip cd freemind unzip ../freeMindFlashBrowser.zip wget http://freemind.sourceforge.net//wiki/extensions/freemind/freemindbrowser.jar
Then edit your LocalSettings and add this at the end:
While you're still editing LocalSettings, make sure you have the following options set. Obviously, change the file extensions to suit your needs. The wgVerifyMimeType was needed, I found, because it tries to verify a type it knows nothing about.
$wgStrictFileExtensions=false; $wgVerifyMimeType=false; $wgEnableUploads = true; $wgFileExtensions = array('pdf','mm','png','jpg','jpeg','ogg','doc','xls','ppt','mp3','sxc','nse');
The flash works (even on a linux server and linux client), but I couldn't get the java applet to work. I didn't mind this, because it took forever for the applet to fire up, but the flash is nice and fast. Hope this helps... --Xuru 21:06, 26 September 2009 (UTC)
- Confirm above working on 1.14 and hostgator --Phalseid 14:40, 21 November 2009 (UTC)
Errors uploading file type mm FIXED by updating mime.types file...
It is all working great now. I can upload mm files and work them into Mediawiki pages!
I love being able to combine MediaWiki and FreeMind!
I had to add the following to /usr/share/mediawiki/includes/mime.types [in Ubuntu] to get it to work:
application/xml mm
Prior to this, mm uploads were failing even though...
1. Edited the MimeMagic.php file to include:
application/xml mm
2. Included the following in my LocalSettings.php
$wgEnableUploads = true; $wgStrictFileExtensions=false; $wgVerifyMimeType=false; $wgFileExtensions = array('png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'pdf', 'tiff', 'bmp', 'txt', 'ps', 'mm' );
focaccio 20100729-1917 PDT
Serious funny business with uploading mm file type files
editI wonder what makes an mm file get rejected during upload with the error message:
This file contains HTML or script code that may be erroneously interpreted by a web browser.
If I try to upload the file NEXUS.mm it fails with the error message above, but if I paste the entire NEXUS mindmap into test1.mm, which was previously successfully uploaded, then a re-upload of test1.mm still works. If I save NEXUS.mm with filename test1.mm then try to upload it, it fails with the error message above.
focaccio 20100729-2000 PDT
- remove the rich content and this error goes away..-- 05:57, 10 December 2011 (UTC)
I have the same problem. I have checked all the mime settings and also the LocalSettings.php file for mis configured variables. here are the settings
$wgEnableUploads = true; $wgFileExtensions = array( 'png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'ppt', 'pdf', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'swf', 'doc', 'docx', 'mm', 'xml' ); $wgStrictFileExtensions = false; $wgVerifyMimeType = false;
in mime i have added an application xml for mm
Anybody has a solution. --Kirtimansharma 09:08, 25 May 2011 (UTC)
Work around to upload problems: upload a simple one then manually overwrite with a complex one
edit1. You should always be able to successfully upload a one node default mindmap. Call this the placeholder.
2. Use locate to discover the directory where Mediawiki stored the placeholder.
3. Copy the complex mindmap you really want to see in your Mediawiki to that directory.
4. Overwrite the simple placeholder file with the complex file by using the exact name of the placeholder.
focaccio 20100818-1506 PDT
Version for Mediawiki 1.18.1
editThe FreeMind extension is not working with MediaWiki >= 1.18 because the Image class has been removed. So I change the code. It's working in my wiki. Here is the modified code file FreeMind.php:
<?php // Freemind mindmap WikiMedia extension // (C) Dimitry Polivaev 2006, Günter Gratzer 8.02.2012 (modifed for MediaWiki 18.1) // Example: $wgExtensionFunctions[] = "wfFreemindExtension"; function wfFreemindExtension() { global $wgParser; // Defines the tag <mindmap> ... </mindmap> // The second parameter is the callback function for // processing the text between the tags $wgParser->setHook("mm", "renderMindmap"); } // The callback function for converting the input text to HTML output function renderMindmap($input) { // Default parameter values: $mm_height = "800"; $mm_type = "flash"; $mm_target = "embedded"; $mm_notitle = 0; if (preg_match('/^\s*\[{2}\s*:\s*(\w.*)\]{2}\s*$/', $input, $matches)) { $mm_target = "link"; $input = $matches[1]; } else if (preg_match('/^\s*\[{2}\s*(\w.*)\]{2}\s*$/', $input, $matches)) { $mm_target = "embedded"; $input = $matches[1]; } else{ return MindmapHelp($input); } $mm_title = ""; $mm_description = ""; $paramVector = explode("|", $input); $url = $paramVector[0]; $paramNumber = count($paramVector); for ($i = 1; $i < $paramNumber; $i++) { $param = trim($paramVector[$i]); if (preg_match('/^\s*[0-9]+p[xt]$/', $param)) { $mm_height = $param; } else if (preg_match('/^(\w+)\s+(.*)$/', $param, $pair)) { if ("title" === $pair[1]) { $mm_title = $pair[2]; } else if ("parameters" === $pair[1]) { preg_match_all('/(\\w+?)\\s*=\\s*"(.+?)"/', $pair[2], $match, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($match as $i) $params[$i[1]] = $i[2]; preg_match_all('/(\\w+?)\s*=\s*([^"\s]+?)/', $pair[2], $match, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($match as $i) $params[$i[1]] = $i[2]; } else { if ($mm_description != "") $mm_description .= '|'; $mm_description .= $param; } } else { if ("flash" === $param || "applet" === $param) { $mm_type = $param; } elseif ("notitle" === $param) { $mm_notitle = 1; } else { $mm_description .= $param; } } } if ($mm_description === "") { $mm_description = $url; } if($mm_notitle){ $mm_title = ""; } elseif ($mm_title === "") { $mm_title = $url; } $imageTitle = Title::makeTitleSafe("Image", $url); if($imageTitle == NULL){ return MindmapNotFoundError($url); } $file = wfLocalFile($imageTitle); if($file->exists() == NULL){ return MindmapNotFoundError($url); } $url = $file->getViewURL(false); global $wgServer, $wgScriptPath, $wgTitle, $wgUrlProtocols, $wgUser; static $flashContentCounter = 0; if ($mm_type === "flash") { $params['initLoadFile'] = $url; if (isset($params['openUrl'])) unset($params['openUrl']); if (! isset($params['startCollapsedToLevel'])) $params['startCollapsedToLevel'] = "5"; if (strcasecmp($mm_target, "embedded") == 0) { $flashContentCounter++; require_once("freemind/flashwindowFunction.php"); $output = getMindMapFlashOutput($mm_title, $params, $flashContentCounter, $mm_height, "$wgScriptPath/extensions/freemind/"); } else if (strcasecmp($mm_target, "link") == 0) { $ref = "$wgScriptPath/extensions/freemind/flashwindow.php?"; } else { $output = MindmapHelp($url); } } else if ($mm_type === "applet") { $server = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $params['browsemode_initial_map'] = "http://$server$url"; if (isset($params['type'])) unset($params['type']); if (isset($params['scriptable'])) unset($params['scriptable']); if (isset($params['modes'])) unset($params['modes']); if (isset($params['initial_mode'])) unset($params['initial_mode']); if (strcasecmp($mm_target, "embedded") == 0) { require_once("freemind/appletwindowFunction.php"); $output = getMindMapAppletOutput($mm_title, $params, $mm_height, "$wgScriptPath/extensions/freemind/"); } else if (strcasecmp($mm_target, "link") == 0) { $ref = "$wgScriptPath/extensions/freemind/appletwindow.php?"; } else { $output = MindmapHelp($url); } } else { $output = MindmapHelp($url); } if (! isset($output) && $mm_target === "link") { $params['mm_title'] = rawurlencode($mm_title); $params['mm_height'] = $mm_height; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $ref .= "$key=$value&"; } $ref = substr($ref, 0, -1); $output .= "<a href=$ref>$mm_description</a>"; } if ($mm_target == "embedded") $output = "$output"; return $output; } function MindmapHelp($input) { return '<div style=\'border: solid red 1px\'> <p style="text-align:center;"><b>Ebbedded Mind Map Syntax error in </b>: <code><mm>'.$input.'</mm></code></p><br> <p><b> Syntax: </b> <blockquote><b><code><mm>[[{name}|{options}|parameters {parameters}]]</mm></code></b><br> <b><code><mm>[[:{name}|{options}|parameters {parameters}]]</mm></code></b></blockquote> <b> Examples:</b> <blockquote> <ul> <li><code><mm>[[Hello.mm]]</mm></code> <li><code><mm>[[Hello.mm|flash]]</mm></code> <li><code><mm>[[Hello.mm|applet]]</mm></code> <li><code><mm>[[Hello.mm|flash|80pt]]</mm></code> <li><code><mm>[[Hello.mm|applet|150px|title example map]]</mm></code> <li><code><mm>[[:Hello.mm]]</mm></code> <li><code><mm>[[:Hello.mm|description]]</mm></code> <li><code><mm>[[:Hello.mm|flash|title the map in flash|map in flash]]</mm></code> </ul></blockquote> </div>'; } function MindmapNotFoundError($input) { return '<div style=\'border: solid red 1px\'> <p style="text-align:center;"><b>Error: Mind Map file <code>'.$input.'</code> not found </b> </p><br> </div>'; } ?>
I'm not an expert, so I don't know if the code is ok. Maybe one of the experts can have a look at the code. --Günter Gratzer 16:35, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Gunter - Very Senks!!!! It's Works on Ubuntu 11.04 + MW 18.1
- Thanks Günter Gratzer! but in Version for Mediawiki 1.19.0 , I find that must replace "<mm>Hello.mm</mm>" by "<mm>File:Hello.mm</mm>" ! TaoJiang
- Do not work in MW 19.1 :( Wikipro (talk) 09:01, 11 August 2012 (UTC)
1.18, bugs
editThanks that ALMOST works now. The Mindmap does not show, that was due to me using IIS, please see below, but the MM controls does.
I STILL get this error in php-errors.log:
[22-Feb-2012 16:57:55 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: '''mm_bgcolor''' .. in C:\inetpub\FSWiki181-ny\extensions\freemind\flashwindowFunction.php on line 13
--Asset (talk) 17:02, 22 February 2012 (UTC)
- In IIS you need to specify the mimetype (whatever that is) as mm and application/xml I don't have the problem with undefined variable. Maybe I have different flashwindowFunction.php. This is my code:
<?php function getMindMapFlashOutput($mm_title, $parameters, $flashContentCounter, $mm_height, $path) { $output = ''; $mm_bgcolor = ''; if($mm_title != ""){ $output=' <p style="text-align:center"><a href="'.$parameters['initLoadFile'].'">'.$mm_title.'</a></p>'; } $output.=' <script type="text/javascript" src="'.$path.'flashobject.js"></script>' .'<div id="flashcontent'.$flashContentCounter.'"> Flash plugin or Javascript are turned off. Activate both and reload to view the mindmap</div> <script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ var fo = new FlashObject("'.$path.'visorFreemind.swf", "'.$path.'visorFreeMind", "100%", "'.$mm_height.'", 6, "'.$mm_bgcolor.'"); fo.addParam("quality", "high"); fo.addParam("bgcolor", "#ffffff"); '; foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) $output.="fo.addVariable(\"$key\", \"$value\");\n"; $output.='fo.addVariable("openUrl", "_blank"); fo.write("flashcontent'.$flashContentCounter.'"); // ]]> </script>'; return $output; } ?>
--Günter Gratzer 13:43, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
Version for Mediawiki 1.20.2
editIf you want to run the freemind extension under the new 1.20.2 MediaWiki you have to change the follwowing line (about line 80):
$imageTitle = Title::makeTitleSafe("Image", $url);
$imageTitle = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_FILE, $url);
--Günter Gratzer 14:13, 6 December 2012 (UTC)
Wikipro (talk) 21:27, 21 December 2012 (UTC) Danke Gunter!!
Hello, I use "MediaWiki 1.21.4" and made the change in "FreeMind.php". But still get the error message "Error: Mind Map file name.mm not found"! I can upload mm files and made the changes in LocalSettings.php. What can I do else? Thanks Thomas: 23:39, 22 January 2014 (UTC)
editYou can tru use MMHandler MMHandler. It use Flash.
Freemind for version 1.23.3 (works)
editGreetings. I just got this working, so I thougt I would tell everyone how I did it:
First Save the following code (by expanding it to the right first) as "FreeMind.php":
Source: "FreeMind.php"
// Freemind mindmap WikiMedia extension
// (C) Dimitry Polivaev 2006, Günter Gratzer 8.02.2012 (modifed for MediaWiki 18.1)
// Example:
$wgExtensionFunctions[] = "wfFreemindExtension";
function wfFreemindExtension()
global $wgParser;
// Defines the tag <mindmap> ... </mindmap>
// The second parameter is the callback function for
// processing the text between the tags
$wgParser->setHook("mm", "renderMindmap");
// The callback function for converting the input text to HTML output
function renderMindmap($input)
// Default parameter values:
$mm_height = "800";
$mm_type = "flash";
$mm_target = "embedded";
$mm_notitle = 0;
if (preg_match('/^\s*\[{2}\s*:\s*(\w.*)\]{2}\s*$/', $input, $matches)) {
$mm_target = "link";
$input = $matches[1];
} else
if (preg_match('/^\s*\[{2}\s*(\w.*)\]{2}\s*$/', $input, $matches)) {
$mm_target = "embedded";
$input = $matches[1];
} else{
return MindmapHelp($input);
$mm_title = "";
$mm_description = "";
$paramVector = explode("|", $input);
$url = $paramVector[0];
$paramNumber = count($paramVector);
for ($i = 1; $i < $paramNumber; $i++) {
$param = trim($paramVector[$i]);
if (preg_match('/^\s*[0-9]+p[xt]$/', $param)) {
$mm_height = $param;
else if (preg_match('/^(\w+)\s+(.*)$/', $param, $pair)) {
if ("title" === $pair[1]) {
$mm_title = $pair[2];
} else if ("parameters" === $pair[1]) {
preg_match_all('/(\\w+?)\\s*=\\s*"(.+?)"/', $pair[2], $match, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($match as $i) $params[$i[1]] = $i[2];
preg_match_all('/(\\w+?)\s*=\s*([^"\s]+?)/', $pair[2], $match, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($match as $i) $params[$i[1]] = $i[2];
} else {
if ($mm_description != "")
$mm_description .= '|';
$mm_description .= $param;
} else {
if ("flash" === $param || "applet" === $param) {
$mm_type = $param;
} elseif ("notitle" === $param) {
$mm_notitle = 1;
} else {
$mm_description .= $param;
if ($mm_description === "") {
$mm_description = $url;
$mm_title = "";
elseif ($mm_title === "") {
$mm_title = $url;
$img = wfFindFile($url);
if ($img == false){
return MindmapNotFoundError($url);
$url = $img->getViewURL(false);
global $wgServer, $wgScriptPath, $wgTitle, $wgUrlProtocols, $wgUser;
static $flashContentCounter = 0;
if ($mm_type === "flash") {
$params['initLoadFile'] = $url;
if (isset($params['openUrl'])) unset($params['openUrl']);
if (! isset($params['startCollapsedToLevel'])) $params['startCollapsedToLevel'] = "5";
if (strcasecmp($mm_target, "embedded") == 0) {
$output = getMindMapFlashOutput($mm_title, $params, $flashContentCounter, $mm_height, "$wgScriptPath/extensions/freemind/");
} else if (strcasecmp($mm_target, "link") == 0) {
$ref = "$wgScriptPath/extensions/freemind/flashwindow.php?";
} else {
$output = MindmapHelp($url);
} else if ($mm_type === "applet") {
$server = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$params['browsemode_initial_map'] = "http://$server$url";
if (isset($params['type'])) unset($params['type']);
if (isset($params['scriptable'])) unset($params['scriptable']);
if (isset($params['modes'])) unset($params['modes']);
if (isset($params['initial_mode'])) unset($params['initial_mode']);
if (strcasecmp($mm_target, "embedded") == 0) {
$output = getMindMapAppletOutput($mm_title, $params, $mm_height, "$wgScriptPath/extensions/freemind/");
} else if (strcasecmp($mm_target, "link") == 0) {
$ref = "$wgScriptPath/extensions/freemind/appletwindow.php?";
} else {
$output = MindmapHelp($url);
} else {
$output = MindmapHelp($url);
if (! isset($output) && $mm_target === "link") {
$params['mm_title'] = rawurlencode($mm_title);
$params['mm_height'] = $mm_height;
foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
$ref .= "$key=$value&";
$ref = substr($ref, 0, -1);
$output .= "<a href=$ref>$mm_description</a>";
if ($mm_target == "embedded")
$output = "$output";
return $output;
function MindmapHelp($input)
return '<div style=\'border: solid red 1px\'>
<p style="text-align:center;"><b>Ebbedded Mind Map Syntax error in </b>: <code><mm>'.$input.'</mm></code></p><br>
<p><b> Syntax: </b>
<blockquote><b><code><mm>[[{name}|{options}|parameters {parameters}]]</mm></code></b><br>
<b><code><mm>[[:{name}|{options}|parameters {parameters}]]</mm></code></b></blockquote>
<b> Examples:</b>
<li><code><mm>[[Hello.mm|applet|150px|title example map]]</mm></code>
<li><code><mm>[[:Hello.mm|flash|title the map in flash|map in flash]]</mm></code>
function MindmapNotFoundError($input)
return '<div style=\'border: solid red 1px\'>
<p style="text-align:center;"><b>Error: Mind Map file <code>'.$input.'</code> not found </b> </p><br>
Otherwise, I have followed the instructions on the main page exactly.
--Gutesork (talk) 11:17, 5 November 2014 (UTC)
Does anybody maintain this extension?
editI have found this extension very useful, but I would have appreciated if some of the fixes on the discussion page had been merged into the distribution. Does anybody currently maintain this extension? If not, I might consider taking over this task. - RV1971 (talk) 09:52, 1 December 2014 (UTC)
Version for Mediawiki 1.24.0
editDoes not work with the above modifications on mw1.24.0
MMHandler for MW 1.18-26
editFor MW 1.18-26.2 use MMHandler.