Extension talk:BlueSpiceSMWConnector/Flow

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Composer installation fails

Nakohdo (talkcontribs)

When running composer require hallowelt/blue-spice-s-m-w-connector from my BlueSpice root directory I get the following error message:


Could not find a matching version of package hallowelt/blue-spice-s-m-w-connector. Check the package spelling, your version constraint and that the package is available in a stability which matches your minimum-stability (stable).

What am I missing?

MediaWiki 1.27.3 | BlueSpice 2.27.2

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Fatal error: Class 'SESP\Annotator\ExtraPropertyAnnotator' not found

Nakohdo (talkcontribs)

I did the manual installation with download from GitHub but get the following error message after activating the extension:

Fatal error: Class 'SESP\Annotator\ExtraPropertyAnnotator' not found in \bluespice\extensions\BlueSpiceSMWConnector\includes\BSExtraPropertyAnnotator.php on line 10

MediaWiki 1.27.3 | BlueSpice 2.27.2 | Semantic Extra Special Properties 2.0.0-alpha | BlueSpiceSMWConnector 2.27.3

Reply to "Fatal error: Class 'SESP\Annotator\ExtraPropertyAnnotator' not found"
Nicolas NALLET (talkcontribs)

Hallo Leonid,

Do you know where I can find exemples of new semantic extra special properties like the number of Page View Counter ?


Ljonka (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Page View Counter"
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