
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:WimaAdvertising and the translation is 2% complete.
Podręcznik rozszerzeń MediaWiki
Status wydania: stabilne
Realizacja Skórka , MyWiki , Hak
Opis Ads banners defined in LocalSettings.php
Autor(zy) WikiMANNia (WikiForMendyskusja)
Ostatnia wersja 2.9.0 (2025-01-06)
MediaWiki 1.35+
PHP 7.3.19+
Licencja Licencja GNU General Public License 2.0 lub nowsza
Przykład http://42.wikimannia.org
  • $wgWimaAdvertising
  • $wgWimaAdvertisingAnonOnly
  • $wgBannerTopCode
  • $wgBannerTopStyle
  • $wgBannerTopType
  • $wgBannerBottomCode
  • $wgBannerBottomStyle
  • $wgBannerBottomType
  • $wgSidebarAd1Code
  • $wgSidebarAd1Type
  • $wgSidebarAd2Code
  • $wgSidebarAd2Type
  • $wgGoogleAdSense
  • $wgGoogleAdSenseAnonOnly
  • $wgGoogleAdSenseClient
  • $wgGoogleAdSenseHost
  • $wgGoogleAdSenseMode

The WimaAdvertising extension offers four additional advertising blocks to the Citizen , Cologne Blue , Modern , Monaco , MonoBook , Timeless , Vector skins. The banners are placed in the top and bottom of the wiki and two of them in the sidebar . Google Adsense is supported.

One ad block is located at the top of the "MediaWiki:Sitenotice", a second one below the article text and above the category bar and two more ad blocks in the Menu boczne . By entering * AD1 and * AD2 in the MediaWiki:Sidebar , these can be placed individually. If Sitenotice is defined, the TopBanner will be displayed randomly alternating with the Sitenotice message.


For recent versions of MediaWiki (1.35+), use the following instruction:

Installation for older versions of MediaWiki

For MediaWiki 1.23-1.34, replace the above-mentioned "git clone" command with the following: git clone -b REL1_25 https://github.com/WikiMANNia/MediaWiki-Extension-WimaAdvertising.git

General configuration

Enable advertising. Default is false.

$wgWimaAdvertising = true;

Disable advertising for logged-in users. Default is false.

$wgWimaAdvertisingAnonOnly = true;

Wima web slots


Set the type of the banner

  • Possible values: 'advertising', 'blank', 'eventnote', 'hint'
  • Default value: 'advertising'

If set to blank the Portlet will not be labelled.

$wgBannerTopType = "advertising";
$wgBannerBottomType = "blank";
$wgSidebarAd1Type = "eventnote";
$wgSidebarAd2Type = "hint";
The labels above the advertising blocks will be translated into: de, en, es, fr, it, nl, pt, ru


Set a html snippet of the banner.

$wgBannerTopCode = '<a title="Uhren-Wiki" href="https://www.uhren-wiki.net"><img src="https://wikimannia.org/skins/werbung/Werbung - Oben.jpg" width="728" height="92" alt="Werbung" /></a>';
$wgBannerBottomCode = '
Your banner code here.
$wgSidebarAd1Code = '<a title="Schwarzbuch Wikipedia" href="https://de.wikimannia.org/Schwarzbuch_Wikipedia"><img src="https://wikimannia.org/werbung/images/130px-Schwarzbuch_Wikipedia.jpg" alt="Schwarzbuch_Wikipedia.jpg" /></a> <p><b>Schwarzbuch Wikipedia</b></p><p class="small">Mobbing, Diffamierung und Falschinformation in der Online-Enzyklopädie, und was jetzt dagegen getan werden muss.</p><p>Im Februar 2020 im <i>Zeitgeist-Verlag</i> erschienen.</p>';
$wgSidebarAd2Code = 'Your banner code here.';

You can also do Google AdSense:

$wgSidebarAd2Code = '<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "9471398824076666"; // "pub-9471398824076666"
/* ID 007 */
google_ad_slot = "3512091103";
google_ad_width = 145;
google_ad_height = 260;
google_language = "en";
google_encoding = "utf8";
// -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js">


Set the CSS style specifications for the banner.

$wgBannerTopStyle = 'text-align:center;border:1px solid blue;';
$wgBannerBottomStyle = 'text-align:center;border:1px dotted red;';
$wgSidebarAd1Style = '';
$wgSidebarAd2Style = '';

Google Adsense

Enable advertising. Default is false.

$wgGoogleAdSense = true;

Disable advertising for logged-in users. Default is false.

$wgGoogleAdSenseAnonOnly = true;

The type of the banner here is fix 'advertising'.

Mandatory parameters

// Replace this with your own publisher ID (google_ad_client / data-ad-client)
$wgGoogleAdSenseClient = 'none'; // Client ID for your AdSense script
$wgGoogleAdSenseHost = 'none'; // Host ID for your AdSense script

(You can get your publisher ID and ad unit ID from the "Get code" page: Get and copy the ad code.)

Optional parameters

Add any of the optional settings below – if your settings deviate from the defaults:

// Source URL of the AdSense script. No need to change - it can't deviate from the defaults.
$wgGoogleAdSenseSrc = '//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js';
$wgGoogleAdSenseSrc = '//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?client=ca-pub-1234&host=ca-host-pub-5678';

// AdSenseMode. Default is 'normal'.
$wgGoogleAdSenseMode = 'responsive'; (since 2.8.2)

// Text coding. Default is 'utf8'.
$wgGoogleAdSenseEncoding = "utf8"; (until 2.7.1)

// Advertising language. Default is $wgLanguageCode.
$wgGoogleAdSenseLanguage = "en"; (until 2.7.1)

// This can be anything you like. Default is 'none'.
$wgGoogleAdSenseID = 'none'; (until 2.7.1)

Ad units

Define up to four ad units:

$wgGoogleAdSense_AD1 = [ 'slotid 1', 145, 260 ];
$wgGoogleAdSense_AD2 = [ 'slotid 2', 145, 260 ];
$wgGoogleAdSense_Top = [ 'slotid 3', 145, 260 ];
$wgGoogleAdSense_Bottom = [ 'slotid 4', 145, 260 ];
$wgGoogleAdSense_AD1 = [ 'slotid 1', 145, 260, 'rectangle' ];
$wgGoogleAdSense_AD2 = [ 'slotid 2', 145, 260, 'horizontal' ];
$wgGoogleAdSense_Top = [ 'slotid 3', 145, 260, 'vertical' ];
$wgGoogleAdSense_Bottom = [ 'slotid 4', 145, 260, 'vertical, rectangle' ];

Replace the first value with your AdSense ad unit ID (google_ad_slot / data-ad-slot) for each ad unit. The Slot ID for your AdSense script is for example 1234580893.

Also specify in the second and third value the width and the height of the AdSense unit, specified in your AdSense account (google_ad_width / data-ad-width, google_ad_height / data-ad-height). Values such as 'auto', '100%', '60%' etc. are accepted. The fourth variable for data-ad-format is optional.


This example is doing the same as the example above in chapter BannerCode:

$wgWimaAdvertising = false;
$wgGoogleAdSense = true;
$wgGoogleAdSenseClient = 'pub-9471398824076666';
$wgGoogleAdSense_AD1 = [ '3512091103', 145, 260 ];
$wgGoogleAdSenseSrc = '//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?client=ca-pub-9471398824076666';

Compatibility with more skins

You can use this extension with any skin. $wgSidebarAd1Code and $wgSidebarAd2Code only work if the activated skin has a sidebar. $wgBannerBottomCode and $wgBannerTopCode should always work. Only a present sidebar may require additional css support, which handles the background color of the slot and similar stuff.

You may avoid a PHP warning message by altering line 44 in file Hooks.php from

	} else if ( $skinname !== 'fallback' ) {


	} else if ( !in_array( $skinname, [ 'yourfavoriteskin', 'fallback' ] ) ) {

See also


  • Branch REL1_25 for MediaWiki 1.23 up to 1.35.
    The branch REL1_25 was tested with the following MediaWiki versions: 1.23.17, 1.25.6, 1.31.16, 1.35.14
  • Branch REL1_35 for MediaWiki 1.35+.
    The branch REL1_35 was tested with the following MediaWiki versions: 1.35.14, 1.39.11, 1.40.2, 1.41.2, 1.42.3, 1.43.0
  • Version 2.1 has added support for Skin vector-2022.
  • Version 2.2 has added support for Skin Timeless.
  • Version 2.3 has added Hook SkinAfterPortlet for supporting MediaWiki 1.35+.
  • Version 2.4 has some Refactoring:
    Changed “configuration schema”, replaced manifest version 1 with version 2 and changed the prefix of the configuration variables from default to wm.
    Replaced class “WimaAdvertisingHooks” (extends “Hooks”) with class implements interfaces.
  • Version 2.4.1 contains a dirty hack for skin Timeless.
  • Version 2.5 places JavaScript for GoogleAdSense in ‎<head> section.
  • Version 2.6 allows the labeling of Wima slots to be set as `blank`.
  • Version 2.7 has added support for Skin Monaco.
    Note: To make the Ads in the Sidebar work is the use of a Fork of Skin Monaco needed!
  • Version 2.8 has changed code for GoogleAdSense, see
    • https_developers.google.com/adsense/host/adunits Ad Units and Code Generation
    • https_developers.google.com/adsense/platforms/transparent/ad-tags Ad tags
  • Version 2.8.5:
    Changed the prefix of the configuration variables back to wg.
  • Version 2.9 has added support for Skin Citizen.

Version 3.0

  • The version 3.0 (alpha) has a new approach, with click-away ads that are fixed and do not disappear when scrolling, and are (largely) independent of the skin.
  • At the moment only tested with MediaWiki version 1.39.1.
  • Download on GitHub (alpha Version)