WSStats Status wydania: stabilne |
Realizacja | Rozszerzenie parsera |
Opis | Allows to collect page statistics |
Autor(zy) | Charlot Cobben (Sen-Saidyskusja) |
Ostatnia wersja | 2.0.2 (13-11-2024) |
Polityka zgodności | Dla każdego wydania MediaWiki, które jest wydaniem wsparcia długoterminowego, istnieje odpowiednia gałąź w rozszerzeniu. |
MediaWiki | 1.39+ |
Zmiany w bazie danych | Tak |
Composer | wikibase-solutions/w-s-stats |
Licencja | Licencja GNU General Public License 2.0 lub późniejsza |
Pobieranie | GitHub: Uwaga: README |
The WSStats extension counts pageviews by user using the before page display hook. There is no client JavaScript run or any trackers installed.
- Pobierz i umieść plik(i) w katalogu o nazwie
w folderzeextensions/
. - Dodaj poniższy kod na dole twojego pliku LocalSettings.php :
wfLoadExtension( 'WSStats' );
- Uruchom skrypt aktualizujący, który automatycznie stworzy potrzebne tabele dla tego rozszerzenia.
- Configure as required
- Zrobione – Przejdź do Special:Version na twojej wiki, aby sprawdzić czy rozszerzenie zostało pomyślnie zainstalowane.
If you are upgrading from a version before 2.0, then you must visit the special page "Special:WSStats". If the database tables need updating, it will show you there and you can update the tables. You will have to update the tables for statistics to be accurate. This is because we now allow to get statistics based on page titles, while the previous version of WSStats did not store titles.
By default anonymous users and sysops are skipped from stats recording. To change this add the following to your "LocalSettings.php" file:
Start with:
Allow statistics for anonymous users:
// Record anonymous users
$wgWSStats['skip_anonymous'] = false;
By default special pages are counted as well. To omit special pages set the following:
// Special Pages statistics
$wgWSStats['countSpecialPages'] = false; // defaults to true
Skip users in the following groups..
// Skip if user is in following groups
$wgWSStats['skip_user_groups'][]= 'sysop';
$wgWSStats['skip_user_groups'][]= 'admin';
Skip page with certain text in their referer URL. Default action=edit
and veaction=edit
are ignored. This configuration option is case sensitive:
$wgWSStats['ignore_in_url'][] = 'Template:Test';
$wgWSStats['ignore_in_url'][] = 'action=edit';
To retrieve statistics you can use the following parser function:
Ask number of hits for page id 9868:
This returns a number
You can also ask for statistics based on title, instead of page ID's:
Ask number of hits for page with title Main Page:
{{#wsstats:title=Main Page}}
This returns a number
About dates. Dates are in a format of YYYY-MM-DD. Internally WSStats works with Date and Time.
This means a date of 2023-10-30 will internally become 2023-10-30 00:00:00. You can also search by date and time. See the examples about this.
Ask number of hits for page ID 714 since start date 2018-09-01:
|start date=2023-09-01
This returns a number
Ask number of hits for page ID 714 since start date 2018-02-01 and end date 2018-09-08:
|start date=2023-02-01|end date=2023-09-08
This returns a number
You can also get statistics based on date and time Get number of hits for page ID 714 from start date 2023-10-30 14:00:00 and end date 2023-10-30 16:00:00:
|start date=2023-10-30 14:00:00
|end date=2023-10-30 16:00:00
This returns a number
Filter results on registered users or anonymous users:
|start date=2023-02-01
|end date=2023-02-08
|type=only anonymous
This returns a number
|start date=2023-02-01
|end date=2023-02-08
|type=only user
This returns a number
Get the top ten pages sorted by hits:
This returns a table
Get the top ten pages sorted by hits in a date range:
|start date=2023-02-01
|end date=2023-02-08
This returns a table from 2018-02-01 00:00:00 up to 2018-02-08 00:00:00 ( so not including 2018-02-08 )
Get the top ten pages sorted by hits and show as CSV:
This returns a string with the results comma seperated (e.g. 1230;51,1;17,921)
Get the top ten pages sorted by hits and insert in a WSArrays variable:
|name=<wsarray key name>
This returns an empty string and sets the WSArray key. Nothing happens when the WSArrays extension is not installed.
Get the result from WSArrays:
{{#caprint:<wsarray key name>}}
New since version 1.0.7:
Get statistics of one page during a time period and limit to 100 results:
|start date=2023-02-01
|end date=2023-02-08
|limit 100
This returns a table
For all queries you can add a unique identifier to only return unique views:
|start date=2023-02-01
|end date=2023-02-08
This returns a table
This returns a table
For all top ten stats queries you can add limit to get less or more than ten results:
This returns a table
lua functions
New in version 2.0
There are two Lua function you can use.
For the parser function that returns a table ({{#wsstats:stats..}}
) you can use wsstats.stats()
For the parser function that returns a number ({{#wsstats:stat..}}
) you can use wsstats.stat()
All the arguments are the same as for the parser functions, except:
- start date = startDate
- end date = endDate
- Example
If you create a Module called WSStats and you add the following content:
local p = {}
function p.stats(frame)
stats = mw.wsstats.stats( frame.args )
return stats
function p.stat(frame)
stat = mw.wsstats.stat( frame.args )
return stat
return p
You can then do calls like :
{{#invoke:wsstats|stats}} // returns a Lua table
- Date format to use
Date | Translates to |
2018-02-01 | First of February 2018 |
2018-02-01 11 | First of February 2018 at 11am |
2018-02-01 11:15 | First of February 2018 at a quarter past eleven in the morning |
2018-02-01 14:15:30 | First of February 2018 at a quarter past two in the afternoon and 30 seconds |
The result will be 0 if there are no statistics available.
Version history
- Version 2.0.2 : Index set on Added. Thanks to shreenivasan from Pegasystems for the Database optimalisation updates.
- Version 2.0.1 : Fixed sql table https://github.com/WikibaseSolutions/WSStats/pull/8 add indexing to user and page https://github.com/WikibaseSolutions/WSStats/pull/9
- Version 2.0.0 : REL 1.39 only. Added statistics for Special Pages. Lua equivalent functions for statistics. Special Page added.
- Version 1.0.8 : Removed global references // last release for MediaWiki Version 1.35.x
- Version 1.0.7 : Added statistics over time for pages
- Version 1.0.6 : Fixed path to sql tables
- Version 1.0.5 : Rewrote database queries to use MW database abstraction layer. extension manifest 2 and all user input is validated.
- Version 1.0.4 : Security fix! Unhandled user input. Update to 1.0.4 as soon as possible.
- Version 1.0.3 : Top X list changed as it no longer shows deleted pages
- Version 1.0.2 : Catched request for title on a non-existing page
- Version 1.0.1 : Code clean-up and i18n messages added
- Version 1.0.0 : Added support for setting limit and export as WSArrays
- Version 0.8.2 : Added support for filtering only unique visitors
- Version 0.8.1 : adminlinks added
- Version 0.8.0 : Clean Up
- Version 0.1.9 : Fetch Title changes
- Version 0.1.8 : Removed dbprefix class variable
- Version 0.1.7 : Show top visited pages with date range. Show as csv option
- Version 0.1.6 : Filter results on user or anonymous
- Version 0.1.5 : Added more configuration options
- Version 0.1.3 : Fixed error in MySQL
- Version 0.1.2 : Skip usergroup results
- Version 0.1.1 : Initial release