
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:TorBlock and the translation is 5% complete.
Справка по расширениям MediaWiki
Статус релиза: стабильно
Реализация Доступ пользователя
Описание Automatically applies restrictions to Tor exit nodes with access to the wiki's front-door server.
Автор(ы) Andrew Garrett (Werdnaобсуждение)
Последняя версия 1.1.0 (Continuous updates)
MediaWiki 1.35+
PHP 5.5+
Лицензия GNU General Public License 2.0 или позднее
  • $wgTorBlockProxy
  • $wgTorIPs
  • $wgTorProjectCA
  • $wgTorOnionooServer
  • $wgTorTagChanges
  • $wgTorAutoConfirmCount
  • $wgTorDisableAdminBlocks
  • $wgTorBypassPermissions
  • $wgTorAllowedActions
  • $wgTorOnionooCA
  • $wgTorAutoConfirmAge
  • torunblocked
Ежеквартальные загрузки 35 (Ranked 94th)
Использование общедоступными вики 1,149 (Ranked 224th)
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The TorBlock extension automatically applies restrictions to Tor exit node's access to the wiki's front-door server.


  • Скачайте и распакуйте файл(ы) в папку с названием TorBlock в вашей папке extensions/.
    Вместо этого разработчикам и соавторам кода следует установить расширение из Git, используя:cd extensions/
    git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/TorBlock
  • Добавьте следующий код в конце вашего файла LocalSettings.php :
    wfLoadExtension( 'TorBlock' );
  • Configure as required.
  •   Готово – Перейдите на страницу Special:Version на своей вики, чтобы удостовериться в том, что расширение успешно установлено.


$wgTorBypassPermissions = [ 'torunblocked' ]; User account permissions that bypass Tor blocks.

By default, $wgGroupPermissions['user']['torunblocked'] = true; is set, so logged-in users will bypass permissions unless it is set to false.

$wgTorLoadNodes = true; If set to true, the extension will always try to load a list of nodes if there is no current list available in the cache. Loading the exit node list is expensive, so some wikis may want to set this to false, and instead have loadExitNodes.php be run as a cron job to update the node list.
$wgTorIPs = [ '' ]; An array of IP addresses that the wiki server uses. Only exit nodes allowed to connect to these IPs will be returned in the internal list. Note: this is only used when the extension has to fall back to the Tor Project's bulk list service, rather than using the newer Onionoo protocol.
$wgTorDisableAdminBlocks = true; Disables existing Tor blocks made by admins.
$wgTorAutoConfirmAge = 0;

$wgTorAutoConfirmCount = 0;

Like Руководство:$wgAutoConfirmAge and $wgAutoConfirmCount . Both sets of limits must be passed for an account to be granted any statuses defined in Manual:$wgAutopromote (including autoconfirmed status).
$wgTorAllowedActions = [ 'read' ]; Permissions allowed to Tor anonymous users. By default, Tor users cannot create accounts.
$wgTorOnionooServer = 'https://onionoo.torproject.org';

$wgTorOnionooCA = "$dir/torproject.crt";
$wgTorProjectCA = "$dir/torproject.crt";

By default, the extension uses a service called Onionoo, created by the Tor Project, to retrieve the list of exit nodes. Onionoo servers can be run by anybody, so a custom one (and its associated SSL certificate) can be set with these variables. The default is the Tor Project's own server.
$wgTorTagChanges = true; Mark Tor edits as such
$wgTorBlockProxy = false; Proxy to use, if not the default proxy

See also

  • BulkBlock Extension — an extension that allows administrators to easily block multiple users at once on a MediaWiki website.