Extension:Site Settings
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Site Settings is an extension to MediaWiki that defines a special page, "Special:SiteSettings", that lets administrators configure site-wide settings from within the wiki interface. Only users with the 'sitesettings' permission (sysops/administrators, by default) can access the page; for those users who can access it, a link to the page will also show up in their "Personal URLs", between "Talk" and "Preferences".
You can download the Site Settings code, in .zip format, here.
You can also download the code directly via Git from the MediaWiki source code repository. From a command line, you can call the following:
git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/SiteSettings.git
To view the code online, including version history for each file, go here.
After you've obtained an 'SiteSettings' directory (either by extracting a compressed file or downloading via Git), place this directory within the main MediaWiki 'extensions' directory. Then, in the file 'LocalSettings.php' in the main MediaWiki directory, add the following line:
The SiteSettings extension requires its own database table, called "site_settings"; and until it is set up you will need to add the following line to LocalSettings.php, below the SiteSettings inclusion:
$wgSiteSettingsSetupMode = true;
Then, update the database by calling MediaWiki's update.php script. Once that script is run and the "site_settings" table has been created, remove the $wgSiteSettingsSetupMode line. At that point, you can start using Site Settings.
If you want to have the members of groups other than 'sysop' be able to use Special:SiteSettings, you can also add lines like the following:
$wgGroupPermissions['my-group']['sitesettings'] = true;
The Site Settings page lets administrators upload files to serve as the logo and favicon for the wiki. To get this feature working, you will need to have directories at both of the following locations:
/skins/common/images/logos/ /skins/common/images/favicon/
...and have them both be writable by the web server.
Site Settings was written by Yaron Koren, reachable at yaron57 -at- gmail.com.
Site Settings is currently at version 0.7.
The version history is:
- 0.5 - May 13, 2014 - Initial version
- 0.6 - June 4, 2014 - i18n messages moved into JSON files; support for many languages added
- 0.7 - May 29, 2019 - Major security issue fixed; other fixes
バグ / 機能の要望
Send any bug reports and requests to Yaron Koren, at yaron57 -at- gmail.com.
If you found some bug and fixed it, or if you wrote code for a new feature, please create a patch by going to the "SiteSettings" directory, and typing:
git diff > descriptivename.patch
Then send this patch, with a description, to Yaron Koren.