![]() Stav rozšíření: stabilní |
![]() |
Implementace | Funkce analyzátoru |
Popis | Poskytuje velmi jednoduché rozšíření kalendáře, které vykresluje tabulku všech měsíců v roce, přičemž každý den je článek na wiki |
Autoři | Aran Dunkley (Naddiskuse) |
Správci | Osnarddiskuse |
Nejnovější verze | 1.4.0 (2021-06-14) |
Zásady kompatibility | Pro každé vydání MediaWiki, které je vydáním dlouhodobé podpory, existuje v rozšíření odpovídající větev. |
MediaWiki | 1.25+ |
Composer | mediawiki/simple-calendar |
Licence | GNU General Public License 2.0 nebo novější |
Stáhnout | |
Čtvrtletní stahování | 27 (Ranked 104th) |
Přeložte rozšíření SimpleCalendar | |
The SimpleCalendar extension is a very simple Calendar extension which renders a table of all the months in the year with each day being a wiki article. Days which have nothing in them show up as a red link, clicking on it will create a new article as usual. It installs as a parser function, so the following syntax is used:
When used like this with no parameters, a calendar of all twelve months will be rendered with each day pointing to an article using the date as its title.
- Stáhněte soubor/y a vložte je do adresáře pojmenovaného
ve vaší složceextensions/
Vývojáři a přispěvatelé kódu by si místo toho měli nainstalovat rozšíření from Git pomocí:cd extensions/
git clone - Na konec vašeho souboru LocalSettings.php přidejte následující kód:
wfLoadExtension( 'SimpleCalendar' );
Dokončeno – Přejděte na stránku Special:Version vaší wiki a zkontrolujte, zda bylo rozšíření úspěšně nainstalováno.
There are a number of parameters which allow calendars for different specific purposes.
- title — The name of the article which each day in a calendar table links to is by default the date, e.g.
27 Jan 2008
. If you want to have different calendars for different purposes, then the title parameter will precede the names with a separating slash character, for example, setting title to "Harry" will cause the dates to format asHarry/27 Jan 2008
. - year — This changes the year of the calendar table, the default if no year is specified is the current year.
- month — If a month is supplied, then only a single month will be rendered instead of a table containing all twelve months.
- query — This allows extra query-string information to be appended to the links for days which don't exist. The main use for this would be to allow some preloaded content in the newly created calendar articles. See examples below. The syntax looks a little strange because it has two equals characters in it.
- format — The default date format for date-articles linked to from the days in the calendar tables is, e.g.
2 February 1972
, but can be adjusted by supplying a PHP date format in the format parameter. See PHP Manual - strftime for details about how to specify a date format. - dayformat — This sets the format of the titles of each day of the week at the top of the month tables. The default setting is M T W T F S S, but can be set to %a for abbreviated names in the current language such as Mon Tue..., or %A for full names in the current language.
The extension installs its own CSS which formats the tables as shown in the example images. You can add new rules to adjust the tables to your own needs. The default CSS that it installs is as follows.
table.calendar { margin: 0; padding: 10px; }
table.calendar td { margin: 0; padding: 2px; vertical-align: top; }
table.calendar th { padding: 2px; background-color: #ddd; color: #666; text-align: center; font-size: 120%; font-weight: bold; border: none; }
table.month { border: 2px solid #ccc; }
table.month .dow th { color: #aaa; text-align: center; font-size: 110%; }
table.month { background-color:#ddd; }
table.month td {
border: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 1pt 1.5pt;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 8pt;
text-align: right;
background-color: #eee;
table.month a { color: #217A28; }
table.month a { color: #cc0000; }

{{#calendar: title={{CURRENTUSER}} }}
{{#calendar: title={{CURRENTUSER}} | year=2001 }}
{{#calendar: year=2007 | month=jan | title={{CURRENTUSER}} }}
this example renders the May table for the current year
{{#calendar: month=05 }}
this example uses the new query parameter to pre-load the NewDay template article into newly created dates. It looks a little confusing, but what it's saying is: add "preload=template" to the link
{{#calendar: query=preload=Template:NewDay }}
- Version 1.4.0 (2021-06-14): Code refactoring; Compatility to modern MW versions.
- Version 1.3.0 (2015-06-22): Uses the new Extension registration system for loading.
- Version 1.2.11 (2015-06-19): Includes the default CSS in the extension now
- Version 1.2.10 (2015-05-10): Fixed up lazy HTML and fixed default date format to work on Windows servers
- Version 1.2.4 (2007-10-18): Don't die if generated title is invalid
- Version 1.2.3 (2007-10-13): Use language settings for day and month names and add dayformat parameter
- Version 1.2 (2007-05-03): Added format parameter.
- Version 1.1 (2007-05-02): Changed to named parameters and added the query parameter. The style of the day-links are now handled by two new CSS classes, day-active and day-empty.