
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:SemanticDependencyUpdater and the translation is 11% complete.
Základní informace k tomuto rozšíření MediaWiki
Semantic Dependency Updater
Stav rozšíření: stabilní
Zavádění Uživatelské rozhraní
Popis Monitoruje změny sémantických dat a aktualizuje závislé stránky
Napsal(i) Simon Heimler, Alexander Gesinn
Nejnovější verze 3.0.0 (2023-08-16)
MediaWiki 1.35+
Změny v databázi Ne
Licence Licence MIT
Zdrojový kód

  • $wgSDUProperty = 'Semantic Dependency';
  • $wgSDUUseJobQueue = false;


  • Semantic MediaWiki 4+

The Semantic Dependency Updater (SDU) extension monitors pages for changes in their semantic data. If the "Semantic Dependency" property is found, this extension will update all pages that have been selected through that property. A common use case is change propagation where pages need to update (pull) their semantic data via an ask query from a changed page.

The "Semantic Dependency property" is evaluated as an ASK query. It is therefore possible to define either a list of pages directly or do more complex selections.

It is possible to build a chain of semantic dependencies that will update recursively. Be careful not to build loops!
Semantic MediaWiki 4 or later is required!
  • Download soubor/y a vložte je do adresáře pojmenovaného SemanticDependencyUpdater ve vaší složce extensions/.
  • Na konec vašeho souboru LocalSettings.php přidejte následující kód:
    wfLoadExtension( 'SemanticDependencyUpdater' );
  • Configure as required.
  • Yes Dokončeno – Přejděte na stránku Special:Version vaší wiki a zkontrolujte, zda bylo rozšíření úspěšně nainstalováno.

Instead of downloading the zip archive you may also check this extension out via Git:

git clone extensions/SemanticDependencyUpdater



Make sure, a "Semantic Dependency" property exists, e.g. "Property:Semantic_Dependency" needs to exist and MUST be of the datatype Text:

[[Has type::Text]]


// Name of the Semantic Dependency property
$wgSDUProperty = 'Semantic Dependency';
// If enabled, SDU will create a Job for each update
$wgSDUUseJobQueue = false;


The value of the Semantic Dependency property is evaluated as an ASK query, except that [[ or ]] must be ommitted. If there are more conditions, combine them through AND and OR


Update Self

This will save the current page twice. Useful when the page stores semantic properties that are calculated from other properties of the same page.

[[Semantic Dependency::{{FULLPAGENAME}}]]

Update other page(s)

[[Semantic Dependency::Product:Test Product]]
[[Semantic Dependency::{{{Target Page|}}}]]

Update pages with relation to current page

This will update all pages that link with Part Of to the current page.

[[Semantic Dependency::Part Of::{{FULLPAGENAME}}]]

More Advanced Queries

Be careful that the query does not return too many pages, as this will result in a heavy load.

[[Semantic Dependency::Category:Product]]
[[Semantic Dependency::Category:Product AND Tag::Demo]]
[[Semantic Dependency::Category:Person OR Category:Organization]]

Example test case

  • Make sure, a page Property:Semantic_Dependency exists with content [[Has type::Text]]
  • Make sure, $wgSDUUseJobQueue = false;
  • Create a page A with
  • Create a page B with
* [[Part Of::A| ]][[Title::{{#show:A|?Title}}.B]]
* {{#show:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|?Title}}
  • Now, change page A as follows

As a result, you should see


on page B


  • Note, that on some systems logging to /tmp might not work
  • Make sure, a log folder, writable by your web server, exists
> mkdir /var/log/mediawiki
> chown -R www-data /var/log/mediawiki
  • In your LocalSettings enable
$wgDebugLogGroups['SemanticDependencyUpdater'] = '/var/log/mediawiki/SDU.log';
  • Watch the log file
> tail -f /var/log/mediawiki/SDU.log
  • If things work as expected, this will look like:
2020-03-25 13:01:45 vagrant wikidb01-wk: [SDU] --> A
2020-03-25 13:01:45 vagrant wikidb01-wk: [SDU] -----> Data changes detected
2020-03-25 13:01:45 vagrant wikidb01-wk: [SDU] --------> [[Part Of::A]]
2020-03-25 13:01:45 vagrant wikidb01-wk: [SDU] --------> [Edit] B

See also