The Score extension requires setting up an external service, Shellbox , to securely process musical scores via LilyPond. Please review the information in #Security concerns and the 2021 security advisory before installing this extension. |
![]() Freigabestatus: stabil |
![]() |
Einbindung | Tag |
Beschreibung | Allows rendering of musical scores with LilyPond |
Autor(en) | Alexander Klauer, Étienne Beaulé |
Letzte Version | 0.3.0 (2019-03-23) |
MediaWiki | 1.36+ |
PHP | 5.3+ |
Lizenz | GNU General Public License 3.0 oder neuer |
Herunterladen | |
score |
Quarterly downloads | 16 (Ranked 120th) |
Public wikis using | 918 (Ranked 265th) |
Übersetze die Score-Erweiterung, wenn sie auf verfügbar ist | |
Probleme | Offene Aufgaben · Einen Fehler melden |
The Score extension allows the rendering of musical scores as PNG images using LilyPond and can also transform them into audio and MIDI files.
- The original Extension:LilyPond was written by Johannes E. Schindelin.
- This extension is based on a code review of Extension:LilyPond by Tim Starling.
- The original Extension:ABC was written by River Tarnell.
After setup, you can embed simple LilyPond notation into your wikitext inside a <score>...</score>
tag. For example:
<score>\relative c' { f d f a d f e d cis a cis e a g f e }</score>
You may also specify attributes to the score tags in the general form
<score attribute1="value1" attribute2="value2">…</score>.
Zum Beispiel:
<score sound="1">\relative c' { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "tenor sax" f d f a d f e d cis a cis e a g f e }</score>
Die folgenden Attribute sind verfügbar:
Attribut | Erlaubte Werte | Auswirkung |
lang | ABC, lilypond (default) | Sets the score language. For example, to provide a score in ABC notation, you might use: <score lang="ABC">
C, D, E, F,|G, A, B, C|D E F G|A B c d|
e f g a|b c' d' e'|f' g' a' b'|]
midi | (entfernt) This used to control whether the rendered score image linked to a MIDI file. | |
override_midi | Known file name, that is, if override_midi="name" is given, [[File:name]] does not yield a red link |
(veraltet) Instead you can add a [[File:superior midi filename.mid]] wikilink after the closing </score> tag.Uses the specified MIDI file instead of generating one with LilyPond. Use this attribute together with the midi attribute (see before) or the sound attribute (see later). This attribute is useful if you already have a MIDI file whose quality is superior to what would be generated by LilyPond. |
override_audio | Known file name, that is, if override_audio="name" is given, [[File:Name]] does not yield a red link |
(veraltet) Instead you can add a [[File:superior audio filename.oga]] wikilink after the closing </score> tag.Embeds the media specified by the file name in the HTML after the score image(s). This is an alternative to the sound attribute (see further). It can, for example, be useful if you have a suitable audio file of superior quality compared with the auto-generated audio file. Of course, you can still omit both attributes in this case and add the file manually to the page, if you prefer. |
override_ogg | (veraltet) Doubly-deprecated alias for override_audio. | |
raw | 0 (default), 1 | If set to 1, the score code is interpreted as a complete LilyPond file. Use this option if you want to create more complex scores. If the score language (lang attribute) is not set to lilypond, this attribute is ignored. By default (when raw=0), provided code is wrapped in a \score{...} block, along with default \layout{...} and \midi{...} blocks, if not already provided.
sound | 0 (default), 1 | If set to 1, an audio file will be generated for the score, provided you installed and configured Erweiterung:TimedMediaHandler . An audio player will be embedded in the HTML after the score image(s). |
vorbis | 0 (default), 1 | (veraltet) Alias for sound. |
Die LilyPond-Sprache
Lyrics may be added like this:
\relative c'' { \time 4/4 \key c \major
c4 g8 g a4 g r b^> c^> r \bar "|." }
\addlyrics { Shave and a hair -- cut: two bits. }
For advanced users, the \set Staff.midiInstrument
command can be used to change the MIDI instrument for the sound.
Die folgenden Pakete werden empfohlen:
- LilyPond
- Ghostscript
- ImageMagick
- FluidSynth
- Firejail
This extension uses LilyPond to render score images, so you need a working LilyPond installation (Special:Version displays the LilyPond version). If you install LilyPond from a package, Ghostscript will also be installed, since LilyPond depends on Ghostscript. ImageMagick should be installed to trim the images, otherwise they will contain an excessive amount of whitespace.
For security reasons, it is highly recommended to install firejail to further restrict what LilyPond and Ghostscript can do if untrusted users are allowed to edit your wiki.
The extension is also capable of creating audio files from the MIDI files generated by LilyPond. If you want to make use of this functionality, you need to have Erweiterung:TimedMediaHandler installed.
FluidSynth is the preferred method to convert MIDI files to audio files, however TiMidity++ is also supported.
Security concerns
Score uses LilyPond in safe mode, however there are known unfixed safe mode escape vulnerabilities leading to arbitrary execution.
If you don't absolutely trust everyone who has editing privileges on your wiki, it is strongly recommended to set up containment of lilypond using Shellbox . See Shellbox#Server setup for details on how to set up the contained server, and below for configuring MediaWiki to use it. Also, ensure you're using a recent version of LilyPond (2.22.0+) or a distribution package (e.g. from Debian) that has security fixes. Keep safe mode enabled, even with containment as an extra layer of defense. Certain functionality will not work in safe mode, the fix for that is to modify LilyPond to allow that functionality in safe mode.
- See the extension's
for detailed installation instructions.
- Die Erweiterung herunterladen und die Datei(en) in ein Verzeichnis namens
im Ordnerextensions/
Entwickler und Code-Beitragende sollten stattdessen die Erweiterung von Git installieren, mit:cd extensions/
git clone - Folgenden Code am Ende deiner LocalSettings.php -Datei einfügen:
wfLoadExtension( 'Score' ); $wgScoreTrim = true; $wgImageMagickConvertCommand = '/usr/bin/convert'; $wgShellboxUrl = '... address to Shellbox ...'; $wgShellboxSecretKey = '... your secret key ...';
- Create a subdirectory named
in your $wgUploadDirectory (usually the directory namedimages
in your MediaWiki directory). Make sure the directory is writable by your Web server. - Erledigt – Navigiere zu Special:Version in deinem Wiki, um zu überprüfen, ob die Erweiterung erfolgreich installiert wurde.
Here are some of the extension's global configuration parameters.
Set $wgScoreLilyPond
to the path to your LilyPond executable (typically /usr/bin/lilypond
or /usr/local/bin/lilypond
The $wgScoreTrim
is a boolean which defaults to the value of $wgUseImageMagick
. If true
, the resulting score PNG images are trimmed with ImageMagick. If you don't want trimming, or don't want to install ImageMagick, set $wgScoreTrim
to false
Set $wgScoreAbc2Ly
to the path of your ABC to LilyPond converter executable (typically /usr/bin/abc2ly
or /usr/local/bin/abc2ly
Set $wgScoreFluidsynth
to the path of your Fluidsynth executable (typically /usr/bin/fluidsynth
or /usr/local/bin/fluidsynth
Set $wgScoreSoundfont
to the path of your soundfont file (typically /usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2
or /usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GS.sf2
Set $wgScoreLame
to the path of your Lame executable (typically /usr/bin/lame
or /usr/local/bin/lame
). Required if the generated audio file should be a MP3.
This extension runs various binaries in a Shellbox to provide some security. You may have to increase $wgMaxShellMemory if you get "out of memory" errors.
Finding scores
Pages containing <score>
tags are in the tracking category with message name 'score-use-category'.
Visit Special:TrackingCategories to find the localized title of this category on your wiki and show the pages in it, for example w:Category:Pages using the Score extension on the English Wikipedia.
Siehe auch
- Help:Score on English Wikipedia and Help:Sheet music on Wikisource have more examples of LilyPond syntax.
Diese Erweiterung wird in einem oder mehreren Wikis von Wikimedia verwendet. Das bedeutet mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die Erweiterung stabil ist und gut genug funktioniert, um auf solch häufig besuchten Webseiten benutzt zu werden. Suche nach dem Erweiterungs-Namen in den Wikimedia CommonSettings.php und den InitialiseSettings.php-Konfigurations-Dateien, um nachzusehen, wo es installiert ist. Eine vollständige Liste der installierten Erweiterungen in einem bestimmten Wiki wird auf Special:Version im Wiki generiert und angezeigt. |
Diese Erweiterung ist in den folgenden Softwarepaketen enthalten und/oder wird von den folgenden Wiki-Farmen, bzw. Wiki-Hostern verwendet: Dies ist keine maßgebliche Liste. Softwarepakete und/oder Wiki-Farmen, bzw. Wiki-Hoster nutzen diese Erweiterung ggf., obwohl sie nicht in dieser Liste enthalten sind. Prüfe daher stets die Nutzung im verwendeten Softwarepaket und/oder bei der Wiki-Farm, bzw. dem Wiki-Hoster. |