Extension:Page Forms/Pobieranie i instalacja
Rozszerzenie w formacie .zip możesz pobrać [$url stąd] https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-PageForms/archive/5.8.1.zip
Rozszerzenie można także pobrać za pomocą Git bezpośrednio z repozytorium kodu źródłowego. Wpisz następujące polecenie w wierszu poleceń:
git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/PageForms.git
To view the code online, including version history for each file, see PageForms.
Not recommended
There are some additional ways to download Page Forms, which are not recommended:
- Page Forms can be downloaded via the MediaWiki Extension Distributor, which lets you download any extension for any version of MediaWiki.
This not recommended because the code being downloaded represents a random snapshot in time, that could contain bugs that were fixed later - or, if the "development/trunk" version is used, it could conversely contain code that is too new, and hasn't been fully tested yet.
- Page Forms is available via some Linux distributions, like Debian.
These should probably not be used, since their version of the software tends to be significantly out of date.
Once you have downloaded the code as a directory called PageForms
in your extensions
folder, you just need to add the following line to your LocalSettings.php file:
wfLoadExtension( 'PageForms' );
There are four Uprawnienia użytkowników defined for Page Forms:
- '
' is the permission to create new classes (see Extension:Page Forms/Special pages ).
By default it is given to all members of the 'user' group.
- '
' is the "permission" to edit restricted fields.
By default it is given to all members of the 'sysop' group.
- '
' is the "permission" to use the MultiPageEdit special page, which allows to edit multiple pages through a single spreadsheet-like interface.
By default it is given to all members of the 'user' group.
- '
' is the "permission" to see the "edit with form" tab.
By default it is given to everyone (i.e, '*').
You can modify the set of users who have any of these permissions. For example, to have the "edit with form" tab show up only for administrators, you could add the following, below the inclusion of Page Forms:
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['viewedittab'] = false;
$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['viewedittab'] = true;
Page Forms can also be downloaded and installed using Composer.
To install with Composer, add the following to your composer.local.json
{ "require": { "mediawiki/page-forms": "^5.8.1" } }
More information about the package can be found on Packagist: mediawiki/page-forms
If you used 'git clone' to install Page Forms, you can update to the very latest code for it with a simple command. The latest code may not be a stable release. From a command line in the Page Forms directory, run the following:
git pull