
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:MatomoAnalytics and the translation is 32% complete.
Podręcznik rozszerzeń MediaWiki
Status wydania: stabilne
Opis Integration with Matomo for analytics. Adds a special page to view that stats on-wiki.
Autor(zy) John Lewis, Southparkfan, Universal Omega
Opiekun(owie) Miraheze system administrators
Ostatnia wersja continuous updates
MediaWiki 1.35.3+
PHP 7.2+
Zmiany w bazie danych No, Yes if $wgMatomoAnalyticsUseDB is enabled
Composer miraheze/matomo-analytics
Licencja Licencja publiczna GNU General Public License 3.0
  • $wgMatomoAnalyticsDatabase
  • $wgMatomoAnalyticsGlobalID
  • $wgMatomoAnalyticsDisableCookie
  • $wgMatomoAnalyticsSiteID
  • $wgMatomoAnalyticsForceGetRequest
  • $wgMatomoAnalyticsDisableJS
  • $wgMatomoAnalyticsUseDB
  • $wgMatomoAnalyticsTokenAuth
  • $wgMatomoAnalyticsServerURL
  • noanalytics

The MatomoAnalytics extension inserts tracking code for the Matomo analytics platform. It also creates a Special Page (Special:Analytics) where you can view the stats on-wiki.

For reporting an issue or a bug, please use Miraheze Phabricator. See here for the workboard.


  • Pobieranie i umieść plik(i) w katalogu o nazwie MatomoAnalytics w swoim katalogu extensions/.
  • Dodaj poniższy kod na dole twojego pliku LocalSettings.php :
    wfLoadExtension( 'MatomoAnalytics' );
  • Skonfiguruj zgodnie z wymaganiami.
  •   Zrobione – Przejdź do Special:Version na twojej wiki, aby sprawdzić czy rozszerzenie zostało pomyślnie zainstalowane.
  • It is important that the whole URL is used with protocol and trailing slash: http://example.org/


parametr wartość domyślna komentarz wymagane?
$wgMatomoAnalyticsServerURL false URL of your Matomo installation Wymagane
$wgMatomoAnalyticsTokenAuth false The auth token for the API of your Matomo install Wymagane
$wgMatomoAnalyticsSiteID 1 Matomo site ID Optional
$wgMatomoAnalyticsGlobalID false Shared Matomo site ID. For use on wikifarms. Optional
$wgMatomoAnalyticsUseDB false Whether to use a database or not. For use on wikifarms. Optional
$wgMatomoAnalyticsDatabase false Name of the main database to use. For use on wikifarms. Optional
$wgMatomoAnalyticsDisableCookie false Allow disabling cookies set by Matomo. Optional
$wgMatomoAnalyticsDisableJS false Allow disabling of JS tracking code globally Optional

Matomo API token

To obtain a Matomo API token from your Matomo installation, you can follow the official documentation:


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