
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:FeaturedFeeds and the translation is 20% complete.
Podręcznik rozszerzeń MediaWiki
Status wydania: stabilne
Realizacja Wydobywanie danych, API , Hak
Opis Adds syndication feeds of wiki's featured content
Autor(zy) Max Semenik (MaxSemdyskusja)
Ostatnia wersja continuous updates
MediaWiki 1.19+
PHP 5.4+
Zmiany w bazie danych Nie
Licencja WTFPL 2.0
  • $wgFeaturedFeedsDefaults
  • $wgDisplayFeedsInSidebar
  • $wgFeaturedFeeds
Quarterly downloads 13 (Ranked 120th)
Public wikis using 876 (Ranked 273rd)
Przetłumacz rozszerzenie FeaturedFeeds jeżeli jest dostępne na translatewiki.net
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FeaturedFeeds is an extension that creates daily feeds (Atom or RSS) of wiki's featured content (ranging from Featured Articles to Media of the Day).

The feeds are added to site's main page and are available via the featuredfeed API module. Zobacz też: Extension:FeaturedFeeds/WMF deployment

This extension requires that wikis use an automated process to publish their featured content daily (or at least very often).


  • Pobierz i umieść plik(i) w katalogu o nazwie FeaturedFeeds w folderze extensions/.
    Developers and code contributors should install the extension from Git instead, using:cd extensions/
    git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/FeaturedFeeds
  • Dodaj poniższy kod na dole twojego pliku LocalSettings.php :
    wfLoadExtension( 'FeaturedFeeds' );
  •   Zrobione – Przejdź do Special:Version na twojej wiki, aby sprawdzić czy rozszerzenie zostało pomyślnie zainstalowane.


A wiki must have some means of caching set up to use FeaturedFeeds, or everything will be super slow.


Variable name Description
$wgFeaturedFeeds Contains array of feed definitions in the following format:
'feed name' => [
	'page' => <message name>,
	'title' => <message name>,
	'description' => <message name>,
	'entryName' => <message name>,

Mandatory items:

Name of the interface message that contains an expression that evaluates to the title of the page with today's feed entry. For example, for English Wikipedia's featured articles feed it could contain Wikipedia:Today's featured article/{{#time:F j, Y}} that evaluates (using ParserFunctions, but ordinary date/time magic words may be used as well) to Wikipedia:Today's featured article/luty 13, 2025. This message always uses content language.
Name of the interface message that contains feed title, for example "My Page of the Day Feed".
A longer description of the feed, used for ‎<subtitle> Atom element, and ‎<description> RSS element.
Name of the interface message that contains heading of feed's individual entries.

Also see below for optional settings.

$wgFeaturedFeedsDefaults Provides default values for some parameters of every feed from $wgFeaturedFeeds.

Default value:

	'limit' => 10,
	'inUserLanguage' => false,
Maximum number of entries (ie number of days) in the feed.
Whether user's preferred language should be honored by the feed. For example, it doesn't make much sense to have English Wikipedia's featured articles feed in languages other than English as the content is always in English anyway. But Commons' picture of the day feed contains images and their descriptions that are available in many languages, so it actually benefits from its description's localisation.
$wgDisplayFeedsInSidebar Whether links to feeds should be displayed in sidebar on main page

On-site configuration

See the full subpage for details on the Wikimedia projects configuration

Message names

Each feed has the following messages controlling its behavior (replace * with feed name, chosen among those above):

Message Description Example
ffeed-*-page Title of the page that contains day's featured content.
Has one optional parameter, $1, which gets substituted with feed language code for use in multilingual feeds (currently, only on Commons).
Wikipedia:Today's featured article/{{#time:F j, Y}}
ffeed-*-title Feed name Wikipedia featured articles feed
ffeed-*-short-title Short feed name, could be used on sidebar in the future Featured articles
ffeed-*-desc More lengthy feed description Best articles on Wikipedia!!!
ffeed-*-entry Title of each day's entry {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}} Wikipedia featured article

How to set up a feed

Create a page named MediaWiki:Ffeed-*-page containing the page title (again, replace * with the feed's name). Two cases are possible here:

  • The wiki has a new page for each day, e.g. Wikipedia:Today's featured article/luty 13, 2025 on the English Wikipedia. In such case, the title can use date and time magic words or #time parser functions to incorporate the date in the page title. The title in the example here is Wikipedia:Today's featured article/{{#time:F j, Y}}.
  • The wiki uses a single template that uses date magic internally to display proper content. In such cases, either point MediaWiki:Ffeed-*-page to that template directly, or, if it has ‎<noinclude> sections not intended for readers to see, point it to a page that contains a transclusion of the said template and nothing else.
If you need to translate or tweak interface messages of a feed, do that before creating MediaWiki:Ffeed-*-page, otherwise your new feed might take up to one hour to catch up these changes.

How to publish feeds in the sidebar

Just create page MediaWiki:Ffeed-enable-sidebar-links with content other than a dash (-) or an empty string. A section called "Featured content feeds" will appear in the sidebar on the main page.

API module

www.mediawiki.org has no featured feeds, so the generated API documentation on this wiki is not very useful.

Instead, see the generated API documentation on enwiki, which lists the feeds it provides and has a working example.